Jeff Sparrow
12 discussion posts
Is there a way to have backgrounds that are non multi-monitored (auto non stretched option selected) center on the main monitor?
If I use the off set buttons, they stay true for multi-monitors and end up moving the image off one of the screens. I would like to have it so the multi-monitor images are stretched across all screens, but when it centers and doesnt stretch smaller images, they would be centered on the main monitor.
To clarify, are you looking to have a folder with a combination of images that are big enough to span all monitors, but also images that are small and for a single monitor, then have DisplayFusion automatically select spanned, or not-spanned based on the image size?
Ah ok, makes sense! We have an existing request for "smarter don't resize smaller images" functionality, so I'll add this info to it, and we'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement something that would work in your scenario.
Excellent, glad to hear it!

Jeff Sparrow
12 discussion posts
Back on this one again. My 4th portrait monitor is really messing up my backgrounds, because the background wants to stretch to the bottom of the portrait monitor, which then cuts off the bottom of all the landscape monitors.
I know you said you might still be working on a way to change the aspect ratio of a portrait monitors background, to match that of the landscape monitors, but in the mean time, is there any way to disable the wallpaper for just one monitor? I want to disable wallpaper on just the portrait monitor, so the other 3 look correct.