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8 discussion posts
I thought this bug was squashed a few versions back, but it looks like it resurfaced (at least in 3.0.3 it was back): sometimes the background color will bleed through the desktop image on the very edge of the screen. As far as I can tell, when an image gets stretched larger to touch an edge of the desktop, the background color bleeds through the pixels touching that edge.
May 14, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
Can you look at your source bitmap file and see if the problem is in the .bmp file itself?

It's here: C:\Documents and Settings\**your name**\Application Data\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\CustomWallpaper.bmp
May 14, 2009  • #2
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8 discussion posts
Yes it's in the bitmap. I usually go out of my way to fix it in a graphics program if it's something that'll last longer than a few minutes in a desktop slideshow.
May 16, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Forgive me for replying to an old topic, but I just wanted to clear this up. This issue has been fixed in the latest version of DisplayFusion and I just wanted to mark this topic as complete. :) As this is an old topic, I am going to lock/archive it. If you experience this issue again with the latest version of DisplayFusion please start a new topic. Thanks!
Jan 12, 2010  • #4
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