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Alan Hayes96866
2 discussion posts
So I tried letting the software manage the background images on the second monitor. I set it up to show Folder A, but it is showing Folder B. And get this, Folder B is the folder I removed from the Screensaver mangement window! So how is now the Background Manager pointing to a Folder that was removed from the Screensaver Management window?
Oct 17, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue (re-apply the wallpaper) and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Could you also send me the path it's loading, and the path you want it to load?
Oct 18, 2023  • #2
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