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Extended Monitors: An extended monitor configuration allows you to expand your desktop to use the full capability of your multiple monitors. Your monitors will be placed side by side virtually, allowing you to freely move windows between them.

How to set it up:
  • Open the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window
  • Select the monitor(s) you would like to enable
  • Click the "Enable" button

Extended Monitors
Extended Monitors

Cloned Monitors: A cloned monitor configuration allows you to copy what is displayed on one monitor, to multiple other monitors connected to your computer. Being able to clone your monitors largely depends on your hardware configuration, and can be enabled through DisplayFusion.

How to set it up:
  • Open the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window
  • Select the monitor you would like cloned
  • Set it to "Enabled and Cloned with Monitor #X"

Cloned Monitors
Cloned Monitors

Rearranging Monitors: Many people use different physical setups for their multi-monitor configurations, so you may need to adjust the virtual layout of your monitors to match their physical orientation.

How to set it up:
  • Open the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window
  • Click the "Identify" button, this will show you which monitor ID's correspond to the monitors shown in the Monitor Configuration window
  • Click and drag each monitor to rearrange them to their respective positions

For further troubleshooting, please refer to our troubleshooting section, found here: Resolving Common Monitor Configuration Issues
Jun 1, 2021 (modified Jun 2, 2021)  • #1
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