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3 discussion posts

I have a bit of a problem which make take some explaining...

I have four monitors, three 24" and one 22".
The three 24" monitors are sat next to each other in a row (landscape) with the 22" monitor positioned above the centre.(Basically like a large inverted T). Picture attached

I have up until now been using Eyefinity to try to manage my desktops positions and profiles and have been using Display Fusion to display the wallpaper on them. But to be honest Eyefinity isnt doing a great job and i'm hoping Display Fusion can provide an all in one solution.

What i'm after is the ability to have 2 separate and distinct profiles each with they're own wallpaper profiles linked in with them.

1. A Extended Desktop (in the inverted T formation) with 4 individual screens, which I can drag windows etc from one to the other. And where each of the screens has they're own wallpaper (changing every 10 mins or so)

2. A Eyefinity Like desktop across the three 24" monitors are essentially one big long screen (for games) with the 22" above and centre separate but still accessible by going off the top edge of my screen so that i can place a web browser or movie.

Now i've managed to do this to a certain degree through AMD Catalyst.
I have two profiles, Eyefinity and Extended yet when I switch between them they often dont correctly switch until i do it a second time, and the icons on my desktop are thrown all over the place and often off the screen borders. Plus when I switch to Extended half of the screens have no wallpaper.

Is this sort of screen management within the capabilities of Display Fusion?

If not there is another issue which maybe some what simpler and more do-able.

Is there any way I can create two Wallpaper Profiles in Display Fusion.

1. Where the wallpaper extends across the bottom three monitors but not up onto the top.
2. Where each monitor has its own wallpaper.

(ive got the 2nd one sorted but cant find a way of doing the first without spreading the image across all monitors (including the top one) and loosing the upper left and right sections of my wallpaper.)

Sorry for the long and probably problematic post.
• Attachment: 2013-07-15 17.31.26.jpg [1,498,906 bytes]
2013-07-15 17.31.26.jpg
2013-07-15 17.31.26.jpg
Jul 15, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately DisplayFusion can't manage the monitor grouping stuff that the AMD drivers do via Eyefinity :(

Regarding the wallpaper profiles, DisplayFusion currently only supports spanning all monitors, or one image on each monitor. However, we're planning to add the capability to span selected monitors instead of all. We'll be sure to post an update when we're able to implement it!

Jul 15, 2013  • #2
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3 discussion posts
...Regarding the wallpaper profiles, DisplayFusion currently only supports spanning all monitors, or one image on each monitor. However, we're planning to add the capability to span selected monitors instead of all. We'll be sure to post an update when we're able to implement it!


Ok but please consider including some sort of bezel compensation, even if its just a field where you enter your bezel width in mm.
Jul 15, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's currently on our feature request list, and I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to post an update if/when we're able to implement it.

Jul 16, 2013  • #4
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lou bezinski
1 discussion post
I've got almost the exact same setup. 3 monitors running eyefinity and another separate tv connected for movies. (3x1 Plus 1 extended). I am normally in extended mode and each monitor gets it's own background and that works great. But when I switch to duplicate mode(I switch back and forth with windows key+p) the backgrounds get wonky. This doesn't really bother me because when I'm in that mode I'm playing games anyway.

My problem is that I have a wallpapers folder that it takes random wallpapers from and I have triple monitor wallpapers mixed in with single monitor ones. When it gets to the triple monitor backgrounds they just fit the image onto one monitor instead of spanning across all 3. It would be great to have an option to let the multiple monitor images have priority and span across a "group" of monitors.
Jul 25, 2013  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Lou: We have a different feature request for that functionality, so I've added your vote to it :)

Jul 25, 2013  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released DisplayFusion 6.0 Beta 7, and you can now combine monitors while using the Different Image background mode, so that you can have an image span certain monitors, but not others.

Details on how it works can be found here:

May 23, 2014  • #7
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