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4 discussion posts
This is mostly for gaming. I have my desktop monitor and my TV connected to my PC. I have a trigger set up that switches monitor profiles when I start gaming, and this all works pretty well.

However, the way I had it set up for a while is that when using the Gaming profile, my TV is the main monitor and my desktop is the secondary monitor. I had it this way because it would mean games always open on the TV when I launch them. Now, I wanna try it differently, cause it is more convenient to have my desktop be the main monitor. So the TV still connects when the monitor profile is triggered but now as a second screen instead of the main one.

The one downside is that applications tend to open on the main monitor. So I need the best way to force applications to open on the secondary screen every time by themselves. The only way I know to do this with DisplayFusion is to make a trigger for every single game with the function to move to monitor 2. This would get the job done, but making a separate trigger for every application (games) isn't ideal. So, is there a better way to set this up? Like creating one trigger or monitor position, and then simply adding a bunch of applications to that one position?
Dec 1, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You could add *.* to the process filename match condition, that will move every app opened. You can then add common apps to the Window Text field with a minus symbol in front so it will ignore those apps (For example: -notepad)

If your games are running in full screen though, they'll likely override the trigger and move to the primary anyway, but this should work if they're running windowed mode.

Hope that helps!
Dec 2, 2024  • #2
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4 discussion posts
I gave it some thought but I decided it would be easier to just use triggers for every game.

However, I have a new problem. I started setting it up for a few games, so that whenever I boot up that game, it would move to my TV, set as monitor 2. But.. it doesn't seem to work :(

Here's what I have set up, I'll use the game Kena as an example. In triggers, I created a trigger with the event "Window created", set to Always. Then under Process, I navigated to the exe of the game that I want to move to the TV (monitor 2), and then under Actions, I use "Move to selected monitor: #2" but it doesn't work. All other options are disabled (monitor profile, stop processing if matches, window class, etc)

I've been troubleshooting it myself. I've tried setting a delay, use the Wait action first. I've tried using "move to mouse cursor" as an action instead, I tried restarting my PC, using Window Class/Window text, using Process Created instead of Window Created as the event, tried with different exe's. Nothing is working, it just doesn't move any window to the TV. Can you please help?
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2024-12-02 194839.png [51,645 bytes]
Dec 2, 2024 (modified Dec 2, 2024)  • #3
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4 discussion posts
After looking into it some more, I found that DisplayFusion just can't move certain apps, especially in fullscreen. I still had some apps fail to move even when they were in window mode, but it really seemed to depend on the program. Some games move to monitor 2 just fine in window mode, while others can't.

I do have one last question. Something that DOES work when programs are in fullscreen mode is pressing Win+Shift+Arrow to move a window to another monitor. It's weird that that does work but using DisplayFusions move actions does not. So my question is, would it be possible to have a custom/scripted function that just presses Win+Shift+Arrow? That way, I could just add that to a trigger and DisplayFusion would still be able to move the window the way I know I can by using Win+Shift+Arrow manually. This would be a HUUUUUGE help!
Dec 2, 2024  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I've attached two scripts below that should do this. You can import it via the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions > Scripted Function > Import Scripted Function.
• Attachment: Send Win + Shift + Left.dfscript [2,146 bytes]
• Attachment: Send Win + Shift + Right.dfscript [2,143 bytes]
Dec 3, 2024  • #5
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4 discussion posts
Thank you! But.. I'm sorry to say that I think I was wrong on what the problem was. It really seems to be an issue with specific applications, mostly Steam games. Something about certain Steam games (not all, but most) seems to prevent triggers from working, even when the only trigger is one that still works when I use it manually.

For example, I gave a key binding to the function "Move window to next monitor". Then, I set a trigger for something we'll call "Program-A" with the only Action in that trigger being "Move window to next monitor". I launch Program-A and the trigger doesn't work, but then if I press the key binding for that same function it does work.

Then I tried using the exact same trigger but change the process to "Program-B", and that does work. So it really seems to be on a per-program basis, mostly Steam games don't work but some do. Setting a delay or specifying Window Text doesn't work either.

If you happen to have any tips or if this is a common/known thing, please let me know. But since it seems to depend on the program, I won't keep asking for solutions and perhaps I'll simply set my TV as the primary monitor after all. Thank you for your help!
Dec 3, 2024  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah as I mentioned in post #2 many games will override these triggers and just go to the primary, there isn't much we can do there unfortunately
Dec 4, 2024  • #7
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