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132 discussion posts
Is it my imagination here or is there weird graphical corruption occuring with Beta 11? I'm having odd problems with programs drawing themselves over the top of other programs and what have you.
Never had a problem before with stuff like this, been running betas for 12 to 18 months.

If I end task display fusion (which is still responding mind you) - problem instantly goes awy
Both Nvidia cards - 3 monitors.
Jul 12, 2013  • #1
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8 discussion posts
I too am experiencing the same issues.

When I try and right click on the tray icon there is no menu either.

Nvidia gtx780 in SLI - 2 monitors
Jul 12, 2013  • #2
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132 discussion posts
Ok cool - same symptom - so it's not just me.
Jul 12, 2013  • #3
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8 discussion posts
I found it occured when I opened 'Bulk Image Downloader'. The rest of the time it seems fine.
Jul 12, 2013  • #4
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Perfect Chaos
53 discussion posts
I'm getting all of these mentioned weirdness, as well. I hope this gets fixed quickly.

In the meantime, is there a link to download the installer for beta 10 so that I can downgrade while I wait for a fix? This problem is too annoying for me to live with while I wait.
Jul 12, 2013 (modified Jul 12, 2013)  • #5
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132 discussion posts
Maybe it's time to consider an option in the package which will revert to previous version? I spose it's a bit of unnecessary work but these devs seem exceptionally good at cool features.

Just a right click "switch to previous version" in one of the menus.
Jul 12, 2013  • #6
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17 discussion posts
Same symptom with beta 11, where can we download beta 10 please ?
Jul 12, 2013  • #7
madLyfe's profile on
ya def need to go back to beta 10
Jul 12, 2013  • #8
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8 discussion posts
After unsuccessfully searching for the installation file I was able to restore to the previous version by right clicking on the program folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion' and the going to the previous version tab and copying the dir over the top of the current install
Jul 12, 2013  • #9
gw_nys' profile on
After unsuccessfully searching for the installation file I was able to restore to the previous version by right clicking on the program folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion' and the going to the previous version tab and copying the dir over the top of the current install

Touki, thanks for the help.

I was contemplating my options as my screens were all gig'd up too! I was successful in copy/pasting all the files from the backup to the current displayfusion folder contents and now all the anomalies have gone away. I did unload the software first and then restart displayfusion and it even asked me to update to beta 11, which I skipped. Now back to being a happy camper.

I run three monitors, one of them in portrait mode for documents, and a displayfusion taskbar on both of the non-primary displays(an option I love!). I could not get anything done today.

Thanks for the info. Maybe some of my extra explanations help somebody else. Love the software and wasn't happy this beta didn't work. But it was the FIRST beta ever to have any issues at all for me.

Jul 12, 2013  • #10
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8 discussion posts
Yes perhaps I should have added that you must close displayfusion and all related processes like the service using task manager. Then you should be able to copy over the top of the beta 11 files.
Jul 12, 2013  • #11
hbk4ever's profile on
I am also experiencing the same "graphical weirdness as the folks above. I will be reverting back to a previous version until this is corrected. I'm sure it won't be long before it gets fixed. This is the first time I have experienced any issues with this software.
Jul 12, 2013  • #12
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32 discussion posts
Same symptom with beta 11, where can we download beta 10 please ?


With beta 11, getting all sorts of weirdness where the DF taskbar stops redrawing after a while -- meaning no hover animations, and taskbar items showing the wrong task!

I'm back to beta 10 using the "Restore Previous Versions" trick, thanks to touki for suggesting it. :)
Jul 12, 2013  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hey all! There's a GDI object leak in Beta 11 which seems to be causing these issues. We've rolled the beta download page back to Beta 10. Please just manually download and install Beta 10 from the link below, and we'll get this fixed up and hopefully have Beta 12 out early next week.

Jul 12, 2013  • #14
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17 discussion posts
We've rolled the beta download page back to Beta 10.Thanks!

Thank you Keith ;)
Jul 12, 2013  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hey all! We've just posted Beta 13 (Beta 12 fixed the GDI object leak, but had another weird issue). Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating to Beta 13 :)

Jul 20, 2013  • #16
gw_nys' profile on
LOVE the new mouse feature for misaligned multi monitor systems. I have three monitors and they are not aligned, and one is in portrait mode for document work. That new feature you added sure does work great for that! Thanks.

No other issues with the beta as of yet.
Jul 20, 2013  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, glad to hear it!
Jul 20, 2013  • #18
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Rod M
48 discussion posts
I had the same graphical weirdness and overwriting issue as above just last night on Beta 11.
The funny thing is I'm not supposed to be running b11 !!
I rolled back to b7 a month ago and disabled updates but somehow it updated itself to b11.
I inspected the update options and they were un-checked so it shouldn't have updated or even looked for updates.
Weird...and annoying so I updated to b13 and all's well (so far..)
Jul 31, 2013  • #19
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Rod, I think you'll find that the drawing issues are all resolved with Beta 13, but let me know if you still see anything weird. Thanks!
Aug 2, 2013  • #20
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229 discussion posts
Keith and Jon,
I still seem to be having these issues with b13 and CSM 4 beta on Windows 8.1 enterprise preview.
Windows without focus lock up as transparent frames, the window in focus locks and title bar button disappear. Waiting say a minute and it goes back to normal. Not sure if this is DF but it seems similar to this issue. Did the same on 8.1 Pro preview as well.

Just as a follow-up, I get something very similar on a W8.1 system without DF on it; so it may not be DF causing the problem.
Aug 2, 2013 (modified Aug 5, 2013)  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Pete: That's strange for sure. I'm also running Windows 8.1, latest CSM 4 beta, and the latest DF beta, and haven't run into anything like that. The DisplayFusion TitleBar Buttons will disappear if a window is hung, so it's definitely a symptom of the window being hung, but doesn't necessarily mean that DisplayFusion was causing it.

Is there any other software that's common between those two systems that you could try disabling to see if they were the cause?
Aug 7, 2013  • #22
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229 discussion posts
Just CSM. I have a suspicion that IE 11 is somehow involved. Usually when I get the symptoms IE is open. Minimizing an activating another tab often fixes the problem under discussion here. However sometimes even the main TB is locked and I have to just wait for whatever process is causing it "to catch up".
Aug 7, 2013 (modified Aug 7, 2013)  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Weird! I don't use Internet Explorer here, so that might be why I'm not running into it :)
Aug 7, 2013  • #24
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