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1 discussion post
So I downloaded this software to try it out because i heard it was good at editing settings for multiple monitors. When I initially launched it, it removed the task bar on my second monitor and replaced it with a blank one. I use the second task bar quite often, so it being gone really pissed me off. I tried things to get it back, and found that nothing i did brought it back. I decided to uninstall the software hoping that it would remove any settings. This is did not help. My second task bar was still missing so I decided to restart my PC. I log in and see that the task bar is still missing. I decide to redownload the software and hope for the best. Now that I have it redownloaded, there is not even an option for the Displayfusion task bar that replaced mine. Does anyone know how to return the original task bar to my second monitor. I am using Windows 8.1.

Edit*Never mind, i fixed it.
Nov 28, 2014 (modified Nov 28, 2014)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry about that! We do have this on our list (automatically re-enable the Windows 8+ multi-monitor taskbar when reverting to Free or uninstalling). We'll hopefully get that fix in for 7.0, or 7.1.

If you'd like a new DisplayFusion 30-day trial key, please let me know and I'll send one over :)

Nov 28, 2014  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update to let everyone know that starting with 7.0, DisplayFusion will automatically re-enable the Windows 8 multi-monitor taskbar when the 30-day trial expires.

Thanks again for the feedback!
Dec 8, 2014  • #3
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