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1 discussion post
hello all, new the display fusion program

i was have been using 1.5 and it was working fine

however ver 2 came out approx 1 feb, it leaves the first 2 to 3 inch of my main

destop blank when using dual pictures?

in the preview in display fusion it look correct

everything else is fine. gone bank to 1.5 for the mo

i don't know if anyone can help :mrgreen:

ps i had rebooted, and i don't have bb lean (ps i think anyway wat is it)- assuming another program
Feb 4, 2008  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Which sizing mode are you using for your images? It sounds like your image's aspect ratio doesn't match your monitor's aspect ratio. Try using the "Stretch" image sizing mode, just to see if it corrects the issue. Does this happen when you use image spanning, separate images on both monitors or in both situation's?
Feb 8, 2008  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the long delay, but a number of issues regarding gaps has been corrected in the latest version, v2.1. You can find it here:
May 10, 2008  • #3
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