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Andrew Marks
6 discussion posts
In the very recent version 3.4.1 just installed on the DF taskbar both the Firefox and Internet Explorer thumbnail preview only shows the currently focused tab, not all of the open tabs like the Windows 7 taskbar and previous versions of DF. Is there a switch for that in the settings or is this a bug?

Also, could you add to the advanced settings a minimum thumbnail preview size. I understand that the Taskbar:Thumbnail Preview Size sets the maximum size of a preview, but how about a setting that controls the minimum size? You seemed to have been on your way to mimicking what in DF what is done by the Windows 7 taskbar when too many windows in an application are open (e.g., displaying them as a list rather than ever-smaller thumbnails), but in this new version it seems like the thumbnail preview windows just get smaller and smaller as more windows of an application are open (except for browsers as explained above). Would like to at least have an option of displaying as a list after X number of windows are open or when the number of windows open cannot be displayed as thumbnails because they would be smaller than the minimum thumbnail setting size. Can this be done?
Jan 4, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The older versions of DisplayFusion should also only show the active tab for the browsers, as we haven't implemented the multi-preview functionality for tabbed windows yet :). We are planning to add it in the future though.

As for the minimum thumbnail size, how small do the thumbnails currently get for you? We tried to match the minimum size that the Windows taskbar uses before switching to the list, is that too small?

Jan 4, 2012  • #2
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256 discussion posts
The older versions of DisplayFusion should also only show the active tab for the browsers, as we haven't implemented the multi-preview functionality for tabbed windows yet :). We are planning to add it in the future though.

Note that the multi-tab preview display is an option for Firefox.
Options > Tabs > Show tab previews in the Windows taskbar
Jan 5, 2012  • #3
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