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125 discussion posts
The Alt+Tab handler changes in beta 6 were perfect and removed the duplicate windows in the list, however, after updating to Beta 7 the handler is not working properly.

For example let's say that I have 4 folders and 2 apps already open in my taskbar. I'm not sure how to best describe the issue but here we go: let's say I click on folder #1, then I click on folder #2, then I click and make app#1 active. At this point when I do a single Alt+Tab I usually expect to go back to folder #2 which was the last active window BUT often the handler goes directly to folder #1 or even one of the folders/apps I didn't even open in the last steps ::)

This behavior is quite annoying and for now I'd like to go back to Beta 6 but I don't see any way to download old betas and I've already deleted the old installer unfortunately. Any help please? :-[
Jun 1, 2014  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I've attached Beta 6, can you see if you have the same issues with it? Thanks!
• Attachment: DisplayFusionSetup-6.0.0-Beta6.exe [9,647,720 bytes]
Jun 1, 2014  • #2
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Thanks for the old version Jon :)

I'll let you know in a couple of days how it goes.
Jun 1, 2014  • #3
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A little update: with Beta 6 I had this issue randomly happen only a few times which is much much less compared to Beta 7.

But I have noticed one more minor issue now: the Alt+Tab handler in beta 6 is (almost) correctly selecting the proper previous active window, however, I noticed that randomly that previous window becomes 'active' but it's not brought on top of the old window. To fix that I must click manually on the previous window (which is the one on top even thought it's inactive) and then I must re-click on the window I want to make it active.
Jun 2, 2014  • #4
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I noticed one more issue now with Alt+Tab. I have windows media player open in background and every time the song changes WMP gets set as the previous active window in the Alt+Tab handler.

This is with Beta 6.
Jun 2, 2014  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
We're prepping the Beta 8 release which has a few more Alt+Tab fixes in it. I'm hoping that this will resolve the z-order issues, and should be released later this week. :)
Jun 3, 2014  • #6
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Glad to hear this, once Beta 8 is out I'll try it immediately :)
Jun 3, 2014  • #7
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Just installed Beta 8. I'll let you know how it goes :)
Jun 8, 2014  • #8
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So far Beta 8 is much better and I haven't had any of the 3 issues I mentioned in my previous replies. Not even once.
Jun 9, 2014  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's fantastic, glad to hear it!
Jun 9, 2014  • #10
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After updating to 6.1 stable I'm experiencing again issues with the order in the alt+tab handler unfortunately. So far it's quite random however so I'm not sure how to reproduce consistently yet...

For example I had my PHP IDE open, I clicked in the taskbar to open the chrome window I had opened before. After checking I then hit ALT+TAB and my PHP IDE app was listed as last in the ALT+TAB handler (and still selected) and hitting "alt+tab" once went to the "Desktop" entry and reduced to icon all my open windows.

For starters Chrome should have been the current active app in the handler (and it was my PHP IDE), then my PHP IDE should have been the second in the ALT+TAB handler list (but it was the last one right before the DESKTOP entry), hitting ALT+TAB should have chosen my PHP IDE (or at least the second item in the list since chrome was supposed to be the active app).

I read in the changelog that you fixed some issues with ALT+TAB and made some more optimizations, but whatever you made broke something :-[
Sep 4, 2014  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! I can't reproduce that here either. Does it happen often?

If you are able to find steps that seem to cause it to happen, please let me know.
Sep 5, 2014  • #12
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So far I noticed it happen 1-2 times every ~3 hours. But I can't see any way to always reproduce it yet. Random issues are the worst to track down, I know it well being a programmer myself ::)
Sep 5, 2014  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, could you enable debug logging and send over a log the next time it occurs? Here are the steps:
  • On the Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "Logging: Important Only"
  • Restart DisplayFusion
  • The next time it occurs, note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Send us the DisplayFusion.log and DebugInfo.html files (can be found by clicking the Open Log button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Sep 10, 2014  • #14
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I wanted to install 6.1.1 first just in case but I can't get the download. I've been trying since yesterday but all I get is this kind of url with an error "the webpage is not available":

Sep 10, 2014  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You get that when just trying to download from our website? We've just posted 6.1.2, could you try downloading that and let me know if you still get the same error?
Sep 10, 2014  • #16
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6.1.2 is downloading properly now. I'll enable the debug log and let you know.
Sep 10, 2014  • #17
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6.1.2 is downloading properly now. I'll enable the debug log and let you know.

EDIT: Not sure why it posted twice, I clicked only once you can delete this duplicate :P
Sep 10, 2014 (modified Sep 10, 2014)  • #18
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Well, I just found a way to always reproduce the issue.

Here's the preliminary steps:
  • Open an application window (I used Notepad++ but any will do)
  • Open a phpDesigner 8 window (this is a REQUIRED step/window)
  • Open an explorer window, another application or anything else

Now the steps to reproduce the issue are the following:
  • Click on Notepad++ in taskbar (or any app you choose above)
  • Click on phpDesigner 8 window in taskbar
  • Click on explorer window (or anything you choose)
  • Use ALT+TAB and the handler will go back directly to Notepad++, phpDesigner is completely skipped and also in the ALT+TAB order the position is random (or rather the first position you opened the window in).

The phpDesigner app can be downloaded here: - I am a programmer and this is the IDE I use daily, which is why I was always getting the issue consistently.

Also to note that with this app I was affected by the double-window bug but this has been since fixed with version 6.0.0+.

EDIT: If you want I can attach the debug log but doing the steps above I am always able to reproduce now, it's probably quicker for you to see yourself the issue trying directly than from the logs :)
Sep 10, 2014 (modified Sep 10, 2014)  • #19
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To expand a bit more, based on further observations I made after discovering how to reproduce the issue, here's a few things:
  • When you first open the phpDesigner 8 (PHPD8 from now) window it never gets repositioned/moved at the top of the ALT+TAB handler list, it remains where you opened it first. The same happens also when you click directly on it in the taskbar entry. If you then click, tab or open new apps those get listed properly at the top of it.
  • Because of the above when I am inside PHPD8, and I press ALT+TAB, since the app was not re-ordered at the top in the handler I TAB to the app/folder listed as active right before I opened the PHPD8 window. After I ALT+TAB to the app/folder active before PHPD8 that gets properly moved moved to the top and ALT+TAB again opens the previously opened app/folder before PHPD8 because it was not repositioned as mentioned above.
  • The only way I can get the PHPD8 app to get re-listed as first in the ALT+TAB handler is to ALT+TAB to it. After that anything else you ALT+TAB or click or open gets listed at the top and PHPD8 falls at the bottom of the list until you ALT+TAB again to it to get it first.

Basically the whole issue is how DisplayFusion handles the PHPD8 window.
Sep 10, 2014 (modified Sep 10, 2014)  • #20
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A little update: I have noticed that the same issue happens also with chat windows from Trillian (I am using the latest beta their released a little while ago).

Same behavior as PHPD8: the position in the ALT+TAB handler remains as it is and is not moved at the top on select. The trillian chat window was a gtalk account but I assume it happens with any. I tried with an AIM chat window and it does the same too.
Sep 10, 2014  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting! I'll do some testing here with PHPD8 and see what I can figure out :)

Sep 11, 2014  • #22
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Oh, I forgot to mention I'm using Win8. I haven't updated to 8.1 yet. I plan on formatting soon and install directly 8.1 at that point :P
Sep 11, 2014  • #23
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I see you've released a new 7.0 beta version but no mention of ALT+TAB improvement in the changelog. Any news about this?

I was hoping you'd get a 6.1.3 version out sometime soon but if you're starting a new major version it's gonna take a while. If it still requires a lot of time I think I best go back to 6.0 for now since the issue is quite annoying for me as I use the IDE all day along.

Unfortunately I deleted the old 6.0 installer, could you provide a link to get the old version?
Sep 17, 2014  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, we haven't been able to reproduce this here yet, but I'm still working on trying to figure that out. Here's a link to DisplayFusion 6.0:

Sep 19, 2014  • #25
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Sorry, we haven't been able to reproduce this here yet, but I'm still working on trying to figure that out. Here's a link to DisplayFusion 6.0:


Oh, you not being able to reproduce is a bad news :|

Do you want me to export my current configuration? Or even add a log of the issue which might help?

And thanks for the old download. It will do as a work-around for now :)
Sep 19, 2014  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah, a log might be helpful actually. Here are the steps:
  • On the Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "Logging: Important Only"
  • Restart DisplayFusion
  • The next time it occurs, note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Also note which application was in the wrong spot
  • Send us the DisplayFusion.log and DebugInfo.html files (can be found by clicking the Open Log button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Sep 19, 2014  • #27
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Here's the log, I couldn't get it sooner since I was away :P

I reproduced the issue around 14:53 / 14:54.

EDIT: do you want an export of my configuration too in case a specific setting is the cause of the issue?

For the ALT+TAB handler for example I have that it shows all windows only on the monitor I'm in, though all tests I mentioned above were done all in the SAME monitor.
• Attachment [protected]: DebugInfo.html [117,533 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [492,470 bytes]
Sep 23, 2014 (modified Sep 23, 2014)  • #28
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Which application was in the wrong spot? Was it PHPD8 again?
Sep 24, 2014  • #29
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Which application was in the wrong spot? Was it PHPD8 again?

Yes. In the log I sent the first time I wasn't able to reproduce, but the second time I could. So you might see a part of the log where it worked at first.
Sep 25, 2014  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I think I've tracked this down. When I first open PHPD8, it's at the bottom of the alt-tab order. The only way to bring it to the correct spot is to select it from alt+tab, then after that, everything works fine. I've added this to our list, and we'll let you know when it's all fixed up :)

Sep 29, 2014  • #31
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Great :)
Sep 29, 2014  • #32
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Kenneth Siewers Møller
9 discussion posts
I am having a similar or identical issue with version 7.0.0 (Beta 5).
It's been going on for quite a while and is really annoying, especially when working on multiple monitors, as the flow gets interrupted by switching to the wrong windows and continuously having to double check the Alt+Tab dialog for the correct selection :(

Hope to see a fix to this soon :D
Oct 23, 2014  • #33
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This should hopefully be fixed up for 7.0 Beta 6. I'll post an update when it's available, which will likely be late next week.
Oct 23, 2014  • #34
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Great, I'll be sure to test it right away once it's out :)
Oct 23, 2014  • #35
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I see Beta 6 was released, downloading it now. I'll let you know if I still have issues :)
Nov 3, 2014  • #36
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good! It should be all fixed up, at least it is on my machine :)
Nov 4, 2014  • #37
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