10 discussion posts
I have a triple-display setup, 2x 2k monitors @ 100% DPI and and 1x 4k TV @ 120% DPI. All displays are in "extended" mode in windows display settings. I have different wallappers defined for each display in DF. I usually have the TV disconnected, and only connect it when I need it. When I connect the TV, the wallpapers correctly update and every display gets its expected wallpaper. However, since I updated to DF 11 beta version, when I disconnect the TV, the wallpapers do not update and half the wallpaper of the TV ends up on the monitors. I have to manually open DF and go to the wallpaper section and apply the wallpaper settings for the wallpapers to be corrected. The issue is 100% reproducible and did NOT exist in DF 10.x.
P.S. This might require a multi-DPI display setup to be reproducible.
Best regards
10 discussion posts
I started from all displays being connected, cleared the log and then enabled L1 logging, and then disconnected the TV and confirmed the wallpaper on the monitors got messed up as expected, and then exproted the file. The plain log files are attched; I excluded the html file since it seems to include a lot of system and user information. If the issue cannot be troubleshooted just by the log files, I can also include the html file.
• Attachment [protected]: [18,920 bytes]
Thanks for sending that over, can you run "winver" at a run prompt and send a screenshot of the output?
10 discussion posts
I have attached the output.
• Attachment [protected]: winver.png [12,423 bytes]
10 discussion posts
By the way, to add one more observation, even when I connect the TV, I do see that the wallpapers gets messed up, but a wallpaper refresh happens in a few seconds and fixes the wallpapers. When the display is disconnected, however, this refresh never happens and the wallapapers remain messed up until I refresh them manually. The bug could simply be that the wallpapers are not refreshed in DF 11 when a display is disconnected, while they did in DF 10.
When you disconnect the monitor, are you unplugging the cable or are you just disabling it in the display settings?
I tested it out here with these steps but I couldn't seem to reproduce it:
1. Set the wallpaper to a slideshow, flipping through images
2. Disable monitor 2
3. Monitor 1 keeps flipping through the slideshow
Are you testing the same way?
10 discussion posts
I am not sure if slideshow is the best way to replicate this since it will force a refresh every time the wallpaper is supposed to change. The problem here is that every display change is supposed to force a wallpaper refresh, while the wallpaper never refreshes after the TV is disconnecetd. I have three static wallpapers defined, one for each display, and my TV has a different DPI than my monitors. The attached screenshots should help demonstrate the problem. '3-display.jpg' shows the wallpaperps when all three displays are connected. '2-display-broken.jpg' shows what happens when I disconnect the TV: the TV's wallpaper ends up spanning acorss the two monitors. '2-display-correct.jpg' shows what happens when I manually reapply the wallpapers in DF in this case, which forces the wallpapers to be refreshed and corrected.
• Attachment [protected]: 2-display-broken.jpg [314,097 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 2-display-correct.jpg [582,302 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 3-display.jpg [827,307 bytes]
10 discussion posts
By the way, the wallpaper on the TV is not actually static, it is a slideshow. The wallpaper on the two monitors, however, is static.
10 discussion posts
@owen Any luck replicating this issue?
We haven't been able to reproduce it here, but there's a lead in the log that might help us out, we'll keep you posted.