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11 discussion posts
Windows 10 & DisplayFusion 10.1.2 & Opera One Browser

Hi, have noticed the past few versions of DisplayFusion that whenever I middle click for a "new tab" in Opera's tab bar, the whole entire Opera browser window application jumps to my extended display. So I drag it back to my primary display and then the next time I middle click "new tab" the entire browser window jumps to the extended display again. This happens over & over so this bug should be easily reproduceable by you.

NOTE : At first I blamed Opera but after reading your most recent changelog about Firefox I exited from Display Fusion and tried middle clicking for a new tab again and this time the Opera browser didn't jump to the next display. So now I know it's definitely DisplayFusion :-)

FIREFOX Bug : So I fired up Firefox and did the same "new tab" testing as above for Opera; middle clicked for new tab in Firefox's tab bar, and lo and behold the entire Firefox browser jumped over to my secondary display just like Opera does. What the heck? Why is this doing this?

AND A NEW MAXIMIZED BROWSER BUG IN v10.1.2: There is now a new bug with DisplayFusion 10.1.2 when dragging Opera & Firefox back to my main display : I can't drag them back anymore when both browsers are maximized on the secondary display which is the state they are in upon jumping over to the secondary displays. I have to minimize them first before I can drag them back to my primary display. This was not happening in previous versions and I only found this new bug because my two browsers (Opera & Firefox) keep jumping over to my secondary display and I have to drag them back. Also, I noticed that when dragging the minimized browsers back to my main display the Number Monitors were gone, while before I saw a big number 1 when dragging them back to my main display. I don't know if this is related

If you need some more info, let me know please...
Oct 16, 2023 (modified Oct 16, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
For the middle click moving, it sounds like you have "Enable window caption middle-clicking to move windows to the next monitor" enabled in the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Manament tab. If you disable that it should prevent that from happening.

In that same tab, you can turn on "Enable maximized window dragging between monitors" along with the two child settings below it, and it will show an overlay when dragging.
Oct 16, 2023  • #2
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11 discussion posts
For the middle click moving, it sounds like you have "Enable window caption middle-clicking to move windows to the next monitor" enabled in the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Manament tab. If you disable that it should prevent that from happening.

In that same tab, you can turn on "Enable maximized window dragging between monitors" along with the two child settings below it, and it will show an overlay when dragging.

Thanks very much for your reply... yes, that fixed it. But may I ask you to please make this setting not the default? I never set the "Enable window caption middle-clicking to move windows to the next monitor" to on so how would I know that DisplayFusion was to blame for my Opera/Firefox display jumping problems and not the browsers themselves? Settings such as these that make browsers and other windows do "crazy" things should all be set to off as the default. But like I said, thanks for clarifying this for me...
Oct 17, 2023 (modified Oct 17, 2023)  • #3
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