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3 discussion posts
DisplayFusion Pro 10.0 on Steam with latest beta version (Beta 17) prevents Valorant (Riot Games shooter game) from launching, but it was working with Beta 15-16.

Windows 11, 64 bit

Whenever you launch Valorant with Display Fusion Pro Beta working in background, it will end with just Black screen and then inevitably crash. If you completely close Display Fusion, game will start and work successfully. I tried to disable Display Fusion taskbar with Compatibility options (for example, disable Display Fusion Taskbar whenewer Valorant is launched) but it did not help.
Sep 17, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for letting us know. I was able to reproduce this on my end, so I've added it to our list to look into.

Sep 20, 2022  • #2
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Kyle Beckwith
2 discussion posts
Agreed happens to me with current beta of Display Fusion and Valorant. I couldn't figure out why I couldnt load the game for awhile too and didn't think in was DF causing the problem, had to roll back to earlier versions. Just tried latest and problem exists so rolling back again. Found this thread as a result of hoping a fix was out by now. :-[
Dec 3, 2022  • #3
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Kyle Beckwith
2 discussion posts
Added vanguard and valorant app to compatitiblity and it fixed my issue with the latest beta.

Compatibility Settings 14

Dec 3, 2022  • #4
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8 discussion posts
Oh god, I was about to reinstall my whole pc as I wasn't able to launch it.

Glad you are working on it cause I love DisplayFusion and it would have been really annoying to have this bug with games.

Keep up the good work
Dec 16, 2022  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This issue should be fixed up in the latest beta, available here: Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.

Jan 13, 2023  • #6
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