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9 discussion posts

I'm trying out DisplayFusion pro 3.1.1 on Windows 7 RTM x64, and am quite impressed. I've run into a few bugs, however.

1. I've set DF to use Windows visual styles when available, so I expect the taskbar on the second monitor to match the color of the main taskbar. Unfortunately it manages to match only the color theme, but at significantly lower intensity.

The first screen shot below shows my main taskbar, and the 2nd one shows my 2nd taskbar. The first one is almost black, while the 2nd one is gray. It doesn't matter which color theme I pick, the 2nd one is always lighter. The contrast between the taskbar and the Firefox title bar below it should make this apparent, and also rules out the possibility of a color calibration problem.

2. As shown in the 2nd screen shot, the button on the 2nd taskbar is a few pixels too short. It's supposed to look square (as is on the main taskbar) but appears flat.

3. I use a tool called Powerpro to set up some mouse "hot clicks" (like hot keys for keyboards) that do various things. One of my favorites allows me to middle click on the right half of a window's titlebar to move it to the other monitor (I have only two). After launching DF, this "hot click" has been behaving erratically. Sometimes it works as expected, other times (quite often) the window jumps right back to the original monitor. I've found no pattern so far. It happens to any window, max'ed or normal.

Other similar "hot clicks" seem to behave properly so far. I suspect this has to do with the way this particular hot click works. Because Powerpro doesn't provide native command for moving windows between monitors, I set it up to send a Windows 7 keyboard shortcut (Shift-Win-{Right}). Using the keyboard shortcut directly always works, but the mouse hot click doesn't.

Granted Powerpro--or even Windows', or something else--might be the one to blame. But since the hot click has been working perfectly before DF, I think it's prudent to report it here first.

(** see clarification below.)

Sorry for the long post, especially from a new comer who hasn't even paid yet. Again, I like what I see, but the above problems--especially the last one--have given me no choice but to stay with Ultramon for now.
• Attachment: df-2nd-taskbar.png [18,188 bytes]
• Attachment: df-main-taskbar.png [38,298 bytes]
Sep 2, 2009  • #1
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1 discussion post

i have to tell the same (same OS version, same DF version) about the taskbar color

And i would really like to pin a program to the taskbar like on the windows one (in windows 7).
I also saw the the color fading when you move over a taskbar icon has a very weaker contrast than in the original taskbar.

Other than that, i'm really impressed! Great software!
Sep 2, 2009  • #2
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9 discussion posts
bump. Could the developer please address the issues? Thanks.

Also some follow-up information. I found the cause to the erratic window movement problem, for I've just found out about DF's capability to move a window by middle-clicking on its caption. By unchecking the option, my own middle-clicking hot clicks work as usual. Sorry for the false alarm.
Sep 4, 2009  • #3
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Andrew M
37 discussion posts

Thanks for the feedback and clearly identifying the issues you have - we are working on a solution.

Sep 4, 2009  • #4
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Thanks for the reply. I've two weeks on my trial period, so I might not be able to test it when you have a fix in place. As soon as these two issues are marked as fixed in the change log, however, I'll be a paying customer.
Sep 4, 2009  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@shamu: Can you please post a screenshot of the exact colour and translucency settings you are using in Windows? You can find these in the Windows display properties window. Thanks!
Sep 4, 2009  • #6
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I'm seeing the same translucency color differences between the two task bars also but I don't think it's DF, seems to be a monitor color matching issue, at least on my end. Reason I say this is if I change the color of my Windows 7 task bar on my notebook it matches the windows on the same screen. However, although the external monitor I have has a slight difference in task bar color, any window on that monitor matches the task bar. I've played around with my external monitor color settings etc and I've gotten it closer to my notebook screen so the difference isn't as noticable.

Now, what I do get is when I change the color of my Windows 7 taskbar and apply the changes, DF task bar does not change color until I move or open a window on the other display.
Sep 4, 2009  • #7
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9 discussion posts
@shamu: Can you please post a screenshot of the exact colour and translucency settings you are using in Windows? You can find these in the Windows display properties window. Thanks!

Sure. Here it is. Can't show the color theme picked in the there. It's "Slate", the 2nd from the right on the 2nd row. After picking the theme, I disable transparency, max the color intensity, then adjust brightness leftward to make it darker. That's how I do it every time I reinstall Win7. (After done it a few times from beta to rtm.)

BTW, my taskbars are located at the top of the screen, but changing them back to the default position doesn't make any difference.

I'm seeing the same translucency color differences between the two task bars also but I don't think it's DF, seems to be a monitor color matching issue, ...

That's my first thought, which was quickly ruled out. First, since I've disabled transparency, the taskbar should have the same color as the caption of any application window. That's why I included Firefox window caption in both of my original screen shots (in the first post). There you can see, on the first monitor, the colors do match, but not so on the 2nd monitor. If it's a monitor color matching issue, the Firefox caption should be affected as well, don't you think?

Second, I'm a Ultramon user, and the taskbar Ultramon (3.0.7 beta) puts on the 2nd monitor has exactly the same color as the main taskbar. That's why I'm still staying with Ultramon for now.
• Attachment: win7-color.PNG [88,030 bytes]
Sep 5, 2009  • #8
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3 discussion posts
Shamu, I see exactly what you're saying now, I was doing it with my transparency and intensity at default. What I did notice though is that the color of the Display Fusion task bar seems to be the color of the inactive window rather than the active windows of whatever color you choose when at the highest intensity.
Sep 5, 2009  • #9
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9 discussion posts
Shamu, I see exactly what you're saying now, I was doing it with my transparency and intensity at default.

I tried to cope with it by enabling transparency. I wouldn't mind seeing a small part of my wallpaper through the taskbar, but all the translucent effect on all the overlapping windows have proved too distracting for me.

What I did notice though is that the color of the Display Fusion task bar seems to be the color of the inactive window rather than the active windows of whatever color you choose when at the highest intensity.

Ah! That's it! Indeed it's the exact color of inactive windows. Thanks. Hopefully that would make it easier for them to trace and fix the bug.
Sep 6, 2009  • #10
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9 discussion posts
Rushed to check out v3.1.3 just now, and I'm glad to report the 2nd issue mentioned in the first post is now fixed. The buttons are in the right size on the 2nd taskbar, in other words. The first issue remains, however. :-( Please do not forget it. Thanks.
Sep 16, 2009  • #11
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@shamu: I'm working on it for the next release. It's a huge issue, as it's very difficult to control how Windows Aero renders a window. :)
Sep 16, 2009  • #12
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9 discussion posts
Understood. Thanks.
Sep 16, 2009  • #13
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9 discussion posts
I've been checking the changelog frequently since my trial license had expired a couple of weeks ago. While this particular issue hasn't been fixed yet, it seems quite obvious that DisplayFusion has really surpassed Ultramon in functionality and is progressing much faster than the latter.

Yes, the grey 2nd taskbar bugged me a lot, as someone who prefer dark taskbar. And yet I think DF is really great software otherwise and its continuing development deserves my support. So I decided to wait no longer and purchased a license for the pro version today. Hopefully this issue will be addressed soon enough. Fingers crossed.
Oct 3, 2009  • #14
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@shamu: Thank you for your support! This issue is very high on my release for the 3.2 release, but unfortunately won't make it into the upcoming 3.1.5 release.
Oct 5, 2009  • #15
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