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Oatmeal's profile on
I'm trying to figure out why I'm having issues using Start11 (v 1.01) and thought I'd ask if there could be conflicts with DisplayFusion (latest version). (windows 11, latest build)

Attached is a screenshot of the problems, could the second two problems (mouse hover and taskbar transparency) be caused by running these two pieces of software at the same time? If so, are there any advanced settings I can change to resolve this?

• Attachment: 2022-01-05 17_04_52-.png [4,006,090 bytes]
2022-01-05 17_04_52-.png
2022-01-05 17_04_52-.png
Jan 5, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

There certainly could be conflicts. We currently haven't added in support for Start11, but we do have it open as a feature request, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if we have any news on it going forward.

Jan 6, 2022  • #2
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Gordon Greaves
12 discussion posts
Definitely do NOT play well together, especially after the release of Start11 v1.2 today.

Please add me to the 'fixit' list :laugh:
Apr 7, 2022  • #3
Oatmeal's profile on
The solution I found was to uninstall start 11 and get a refund.

Could be more difficult for stardock to do this under Windows 11 but I gave up.
Apr 7, 2022  • #4
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Kevin Scharnhorst
52 discussion posts
I tried Start11 when it was in beta. I'd enjoyed Start10 on Windows 10, but Start11 was lacking. I now use StartAllBack and am pretty happy with it.
Apr 7, 2022  • #5
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Gordon Greaves
12 discussion posts
I tried Start11 when it was in beta. I'd enjoyed Start10 on Windows 10, but Start11 was lacking. I now use StartAllBack and am pretty happy with it.

Thanks for that, Kevin. Hadn't heard of StartAllBack, just downloaded and installed, seems to work well. Bye, Start11... :P
Apr 7, 2022  • #6
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102 discussion posts
The last beta of Start11 I tried had too many restrictions for me. With a 48" primary monitor, having everything centered was actually nice and Microsoft sold me on it. But you can't have expanded app buttons and centered everything at the same time. It was a deal breaker to have to move my mouse cursor literally two feet to the left in order to click the Start button. I know DF can't do this either, but it isn't handling my 48" screen.

I currently use ExplorerPatcher which gives me the Windows 10 taskbar and Windows 10 Start Menu, plus lets me center the Start button and expanded app buttons at the same time. I have everything from Windows 10 plus the *one* thing I liked from Windows 11.
Apr 10, 2022  • #7
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Steve Hoek
23 discussion posts
Please add my vote for updating DF to work better with Start11
DF worked fine with Start10, so I hope it is as simple as updating some window class name or something that Start11 is using.
Apr 11, 2022  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added!
Apr 11, 2022  • #9
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421 discussion posts
Vote added!

Please add my vote as well8)
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Apr 13, 2022  • #10
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2 discussion posts
Please add my vote to this. I'm in a bit of a quandary with a new system coming in (with Win10) and a large monitor. I'd like to use DF and go immediately to Win11, but I use Start11. So I need to either delay the move to Win11 and install Start10 and DF, or hold off on trying DF until you support Start11.
Can you give any hint as to when the issue with Start11 will be fixed?
Jun 5, 2022  • #11
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Gordon Greaves
12 discussion posts
Have to say I took the advice of Kevin Scharnhorst and went to StartAllBack. Not sure I even want to go back to Start11 now. StartAllBack does everything I want/need.
Jun 5, 2022  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@DFox: We're planning to look at it for DisplayFusion 10.0. We will definitely post an update when we have news on it.
Jun 7, 2022  • #13
Oatmeal's profile on
@DFox: We're planning to look at it for DisplayFusion 10.0. We will definitely post an update when we have news on it.

How about creating an in-house solution called StartFusion? Even has a cool ominous name and it's not like you don't have enough to work on right?:D
Jun 7, 2022  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
...and it's not like you don't have enough to work on right?

Jun 7, 2022  • #15
Oatmeal's profile on
...and it's not like you don't have enough to work on right?


just sayin'
source code on github

I'll stop teasing now.
Jun 7, 2022 (modified Jun 7, 2022)  • #16
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6 discussion posts
Any plans for supporting startallback? would really love to use them simultaneously but I've noticed a bunch of ways they don't play nice with each other :(
Jun 1, 2023 (modified Jun 1, 2023)  • #17
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've fixed a few issues up in our latest beta, what issues are you running into?
Jun 1, 2023  • #18
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I've since gone back to using explorerpatcher, but I experience similar issues with explorerpatcher too, like the displayfusion taskbar having duplicated network/sound icons, the start menu not working, etc
Jun 15, 2023  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@IZee: The duplicate icons thing is still open on our list. For the Start menu, what issues are you having with it?
Jun 16, 2023  • #20
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6 discussion posts
Left-clicking on it does nothing except make the start menu display on the monitor it was clicked on, once I click on the start menu on the ExplorerPatcher (primary) taskbar. Right-clicking opens the right-click menu on the primary monitor, then after a sec it moves to the second monitor.

Other issues I've had (not with the start menu):
  • Clock opening the action centre on the main monitor, rather than using the ExplorerPatcher Win10-style calendar widget
  • DisplayFusion seems to have trouble with the task tray bc it basically opens everything on the primary monitor and then moves it, so for something like EarTrumpet it goes back to the main monitor after expanding the EarTrumpet menu, which can be a problem esp when there's a fullscreen app on my primary monitor
    All apps' open/close animations seem to go to and from the app's icon on the ExplorerPatcher taskbar rather than the DisplayFusion taskbar
  • Sometimes there's a duplicate microphone task tray icon but I can't move it or hide it or anything, seems to be a similar issue to the other duplicate icons
Jun 18, 2023  • #21
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I can't reproduce that left click issue on my end, could you send over a video?

The right click issue is because we have to poll for that window, so it needs to open first before DisplayFusion can grab it. Same thing goes for the tray overflow menu.

I'm not sure if we can integrate the calendar menu, but it's something we can take a look into. The duplicate microphone is likely the same root cause as the other duplicate icons as well.

Jun 19, 2023  • #22
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6 discussion posts
Ah ok that all makes sense.

I cant seem to get a video because screen snip video doesnt work across multiple monitors, but all that is happening is everything works as normal until I try clicking the displayfusion taskbar, which then makes the start menu always pop up on the monitor with the displayfusion taskbar (secondary monitor), even though I'm clicking on the start menu on the explorerpatcher/windows taskbar.
Jun 19, 2023  • #23
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Jun 22, 2023  • #24
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6 discussion posts
Here you go :)
• Attachment [protected]: [56,342 bytes]
Jun 26, 2023  • #25
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. If you disable the "Invoke Start Menu Using Click Instead of Windows Key" advanced setting, does that make any difference?
Jun 26, 2023  • #26
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23 discussion posts
I'd also like to see more integrated support for StartAllBack. It would be nice if DF's taskbars replicated the visual changes that StartAllBack applies to Windows' taskbars.
Life is like a baboon's ass: colourful and full of shit...
Jul 27, 2023  • #27
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1 discussion post
This discussion is two years old. Is there a current problem with DF conflicting with Start11 v2.0?
Feb 27, 2024  • #28
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102 discussion posts
It depends on what features you use. I don't use any features that cause issues. You will have to find out for yourself.
Feb 27, 2024  • #29
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39 discussion posts
This discussion is two years old. Is there a current problem with DF conflicting with Start11 v2.0?

DF 10.1.2 seems to be working fine for me with Start11 2.05. The only issue I have now is the Start11 settings can only be opened with the Start button on the primary monitor, and that may be how it's supposed to work.
Feb 27, 2024  • #30
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