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56 discussion posts
I am having the problem where when my two monitors wake up, all the apps move to the displayport monitor from the non display port monitor. I can't find a solution to this so I think there might be a software solution. I was wondering if DisplayFusion can remember which apps were opened on which monitor when the monitors go to sleep and when the monitors wake up, DisplayFusion would restore the apps' positions. Is this possible?
Aug 11, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can try the "Save/Restore Window Positions on Sleep/Resume" Scripted Function. Here's how to set it up:
  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, click the "Download Scripted" button
  • Double-click the script named "Save/Restore Window Positions on Sleep/Resume"
  • Give it a key combination and click OK
  • Click Apply
  • Press the key combo to start the Scripted Function
  • Do a sleep/resume to see if it works

If it doesn't work (it's kind of finicky depending on the system, you can do it manually like so:
  • On the Settings > Functions tab, assign key combinations to the "Save Window Positions" and "Restore Window Positions" functions
  • Run the "Save Window Positions" function before leaving the computer
  • Run the "Restore Window Positions" function after waking the computer

Hope that helps!
Aug 11, 2015  • #2
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12 discussion posts
that's actually super helpful. I thought it would be impossible to fix. it's not a problem if all monitors are hooked up to the same card directly, but ones you start using adapters/teaming/multiple GPUs, windows seems to take those few extra ms as "the monitor is no longer there" and breaks all the positions.
Is there any way to get that script to run all the time, or do I just have to remember to press the key combo before I send the computer to sleep?
Aug 12, 2015  • #3
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56 discussion posts
I am using the same card but two different kinds of cables. It seems there's some delay between the two even though I don't see it but it seems Windows thinks the delayed monitor is off. Windows really should wait a little and make sure the second monitor is off or delayed.

Is there a way to make DisplayFusion run these automatically? I leave the computer several times a day and remembering to manually save and restore is a chore I have to remember every time. It would be nice if, for example, DisplayFusion can save the positions of the apps every x minutes and when the monitors wake up, DisplayFusion can detect that and it then loads and restores the positions? Is this doable?
Aug 12, 2015  • #4
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56 discussion posts
The keyboard combo didn't restore after a sleep. How can you have the same keyboard combo for both save and restore when these actions are opposites? If I hit the combo keys, how does DF know if my intention is to save or to restore?
Aug 12, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
To clarify, the two solutions I posted are separate solutions, you should only use one or the other.

The first solution, if you run it once, the script will stay running in the background, and attempt to automatically save on sleep, and restore on wake. However, it doesn't always work, due to timing issues on various systems.

If the first one doesn't work, the second solution is to do it manually. With that one, you're setting two hotkeys, one for save, and one for restore, and then running them manually before and after sleep.

You could technically save on an interval using a Scheduled Task, but the issue with that is, it could end up automatically saving a bad window layout. Let's say you set it to 5 minutes. It runs, then 4 minutes later, you sleep the system. When you wake it up, if you don't restore the positions in less than 1 minute, the task will run again, and overwrite the good layout with the bad one.
Aug 14, 2015  • #6
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