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4 discussion posts
Hi folks,

I came upon DisplayFusion while trying to solve the Windows issue where moving the cursor between monitors doesn't work properly. Ideally the pointer should go to the closest physical location on the other monitor when moving across the border. But although you can adjust your monitors' relative positions in Windows's display settings, you can't scale them. So if you have monitors of the same physical size but different resolutions, it's impossible to align them correctly.

One symptom of this issue is that the pointer "snags" on unaligned monitor edges, and I know there's a setting in DisplayFusion that can fix that annoyance. But can DisplayFusion fix the more general issue? That is, can it enable me to configure my monitors so that the mouse will move across the border to the nearest physical location on the other monitor?

I'd happily buy the premium version if it can. If not, does anyone know of any software out there that can?

The issue is described in more detail in many questions, including this one and this one.
Aug 16, 2016 (modified Aug 16, 2016)  • #1
Corbeau's profile on
I agree - it would be neat to have the monitory display have an option to show the monitors actual size, not just the number of pixels.

My monitor display has my two large monitors running at 1920x1200 much smaller than my surfacebook display of 3000x2000 even tho the monitors are radically different in size.

It may take a manual measurement or something account for this as i don't think the monitors report to the drivers their actual size (although maybe it does report dpi)
• Attachment [protected]: displayConfig.png [162,812 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: IMG_20151030_143454.jpg [678,498 bytes]
Aug 17, 2016  • #2
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4 discussion posts
Yeah, I'd be totally fine with having to set the actual size/DPI manually, but I don't know of any way to do even that!
Aug 17, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future.

Aug 19, 2016  • #4
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Kristopher Walsh
12 discussion posts
Add my vote!
• Attachment: Multi-Monitor Profile - Monitor Size.jpg [120,763 bytes]
Multi-Monitor Profile - Monitor Size.jpg
Multi-Monitor Profile - Monitor Size.jpg
May 24, 2017  • #5
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1 discussion post
Also add my vote, please.

Of my two monitors, the physically smaller has a higher resolution, compounding the scaling issue. The aforementioned "snagging" is the bane of my existence! :)
Jun 5, 2017 (modified Jun 5, 2017)  • #6
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3 discussion posts
Did this feature get added? It will be the only reason why I buy this. Thanks
Feb 12, 2018  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry!
Feb 13, 2018  • #8
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2 discussion posts
Can you put my vote in for this too? I had already bought Display Fusion thinking that the screen size adjustment was already implemented. I have a 27" monitor that is 1440p and 2 24" monitors that are also 1440p. I would be extremely grateful if I could get this to work with them. I would hate to sacrifice resolution just so my mouse will be smooth across all monitors. Love the program and everything it does so far! I think this is the only feature missing!
Feb 22, 2018  • #9
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3 discussion posts
ugh... I just bought this the other day thinking that it already fixed this... :-(
Feb 23, 2018  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added your votes guys, thanks!
Feb 26, 2018  • #11
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Christian Treffler
42 discussion posts

I vote for that, too.
I now have a monitor with 24" side by side with a laptop with 14" display. Both 1920x1080 resolution. That really can give you headaches.
With Windows 10 I can scale both displays individually. But I take my laptop to many different workplaces with many different monitor setups. It would be good to store scaling with the monitor configurations.

Best Regards,
Mar 29, 2018  • #12
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Artifex Canada
3 discussion posts
Please, add my vote to the list, as I had purchased this app thinking it would scale the mouse over the transitions between monitors.

Primary monitor (high-density monitor): 2560 x 1440 @ 24" wide x 14" tall
Secondary monitor (to the right of primary, in portrait mode, bottom-aligned): 1200 x 1920 @ 20" tall
Tertiary monitor (above the primary monitor): 1920 x 1080 @ 24" wide

You can see the Windows arrangement based on resolution vs. the photo which shows actual arrangement. When I move the mouse to the top-centre of the primary monitor, it jumps to a little over 1/3 of the screen from the left on the monitor above. Primary to secondary movement isn't as jarring.
• Attachment: arrangement.png [2,856 bytes]
• Attachment: monitors.jpg [99,805 bytes]
May 11, 2018  • #13
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Kevin Carruth
5 discussion posts
Add one more vote for this feature... Just upgraded my workstation at work to a 4k laptop, but my 2 external monitors are still 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 (rotated). It's quite annoying having to "search" for the available section of my screen edges to move my mouse off the laptop display, and it would be wonderful if this app (which I already install everywhere!) could help.

I just installed "LittleBigMouse" and so far it's working great; maybe it'll help others looking to solve this issue for now:
May 17, 2018 (modified May 17, 2018)  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Kevin: Added your vote, and thanks for posting a workaround!
May 17, 2018  • #15
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2 discussion posts
Me too.. I think this is something alot of people want :) any idea how to do it until you find a way? :)
May 31, 2018  • #16
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1 discussion post
Me too! I'm voting 100 times for this feature.
Nov 7, 2018  • #17
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1 discussion post
I'm voting too! My monitor sizes are all the same but they all have different native resolutions - it would be nice for the stretched wallpapers to work the same across all monitors, but they just resize :/ and for the mouse cursor and window dpi scaling to transition properly across the monitors.
• Attachment [protected]: Capture.PNG [313,662 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: IMG_5166.JPG [1,570,069 bytes]
Dec 19, 2018  • #18
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34 discussion posts
upvoted !
really need it :D
Jan 14, 2019  • #19
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4 discussion posts
Feb 21, 2019  • #20
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Keefer Miller742209
1 discussion post
I absolutely support this message, though I'm sure that this particular issue is challenging.
Apr 10, 2019  • #21
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1 discussion post
why hasn't this happened already?
Apr 24, 2019  • #22
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34 discussion posts
LittleBigMouse has no effect here so I've no workaround.
This is really annoying as I'm loosing my cursor all the day.:'(
Apr 24, 2019  • #23
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Michael Kaicher17422
1 discussion post
Count me in. I NEED this feature!
Jul 11, 2019  • #24
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This is something we've been playing around with, trying to find the right way to handle it in a smooth way. No promises for a release date, we want to get it right. :)
Jul 11, 2019  • #25
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3 discussion posts
Hi There,

I too really need this as a feature. It would really improve the user experience with display fusion for those of us with different size monitors or resolutions.

I have tried little big mouse which works fine for a permanenet monitor set up but I am constantly switching monitor set ups on the fly (enabling and disabling monitors) and it will not cater for this. Every time I change the monitor set up it stops workign properly.

Is there any update on the development process for a display fusion implementation?


Oct 31, 2019  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No update at the moment, sorry! I've added your vote to the open feature request.

Nov 1, 2019  • #27
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1 discussion post
I've been searching for something with this functionality.
Add my vote.
Dec 5, 2019  • #28
kennyj1's profile on
Please add my vote as well. MouseTrap works except for the random mouse teleportation (which is a deal-killer) and LittleBigMouse looks polished but doesn't work at all on my machine. You guys are the only hope for this to ever work nicely.
Jan 16, 2020  • #29
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42 discussion posts
please add my vote as well.
Jan 20, 2020  • #30
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1 discussion post
Please add my vote also. I see its been at least 4 years now people have been asking for this fix. This is such a necessary feature for multi monitor set-ups.
• Attachment: 2020-02-06 08_48_15-Fade Lens.png [106,404 bytes]
2020-02-06 08_48_15-Fade Lens.png
2020-02-06 08_48_15-Fade Lens.png
• Attachment: 84398863_656784235060364_7248898643724337152_n.jpg [102,524 bytes]
Feb 6, 2020 (modified Feb 6, 2020)  • #31
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Dan Hackley
9 discussion posts
Has this been sorted yet? Would really like this feature.
Mar 27, 2020  • #32
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
No update at the moment, sorry! I've added your vote to the open feature request.

Mar 30, 2020  • #33
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1 discussion post
add my vote! little big mouse is buggy and crashes after waking up from sleep mode
Apr 24, 2020  • #34
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1 discussion post
Please add my vote, too! Will purchase this app if it's able to do this! LittleBigMouse appears to be abandonware and is buggy (not handling two identical monitors). Thanks!
Jul 27, 2020  • #35
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts
Add me, add me! I've been pining for this feature like the fjords ...
Jul 27, 2020  • #36
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John Davidson99524
1 discussion post
I would like my vote added also. I found a post from 2007 requesting the feature!

As we get access to a greater set of device sizes and resolutions I can see this being increasingly important. For instance my laptop at work needs to communicate with two different monitor setups and then a third at home. Monitor profiles are great but they don't match up the physical dimensions.
Sounds like you'd get some extra customers from enabling this.
Please implement this feature :)
Jul 28, 2020  • #37
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added your votes, thanks!
Jul 29, 2020  • #38
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aa kk57840
3 discussion posts
LOL I just purchased this Software due to some folks saying on superuser discussion that DisplayFusion solves this issue but it's not free. I don't mind if it's not free but now I'm completely frustrated. Such a lame software when 4K panels exists in conjunction with high-refresh low-res panels. Curse on you
Jul 31, 2020  • #39
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@aa kk57840: We can easily refund your purchase if it was made within the last 30 days, just let us know :)

Aug 1, 2020  • #40
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3 discussion posts
How many votes does it take to implement this feature? From a first impression, it seems like this is highly requested feature. I downloaded it hoping that this would solve LittleBigMouse's monitor scaling issue where two monitors of the same model can't be used since one won't be detected in software.

Add my vote, because I will certainly buy this product if it can make my mouse move seamlessly across my 27 inch monitors of differing resolutions and change my mouse sensitivity across each monitor to match the speed of the main monitor.
Aug 3, 2020 (modified Aug 3, 2020)  • #41
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added your vote! Number of votes is only one factor of many that goes into the decision making process on what features to add. If we're able to implement this in a future update, we'll be sure to let everyone know!
Aug 4, 2020  • #42
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aa kk57840
3 discussion posts
You talk like either team is lazy af or it's rocket science. Symless Synergy can handle monitor borders and make mouse transitions for years just fyi.
Aug 5, 2020 (modified Aug 5, 2020)  • #43
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34 discussion posts
Is there a way to unsubscribe from this thread ?
Obviously BF will never fix this and we will endlessly be spammed with notification mails for people adding votes and complaining this function still not there.
Just like I do.
Aug 5, 2020  • #44
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3 discussion posts
Im no programmer but it seems to me a key element of this requested function is already in display fusion. There is an option that allows you to make it so the mouse does not get "stuck" when moving from the bottom of a higher resolution monitor, it automatically moves the pointer to the bottom of the lower res screen. It is thereofre in some way mapping a pointer to a different area of the screen when moving between monitors. Thats all thats needed for this function, just based on the relative size and res of the monitors.
Aug 5, 2020  • #45
KairuByte's profile on
Another vote here! I've been hoping this would be added for years now, and would be a great help.
Aug 8, 2020  • #46
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3 discussion posts
Im no programmer but it seems to me a key element of this requested function is already in display fusion. There is an option that allows you to make it so the mouse does not get "stuck" when moving from the bottom of a higher resolution monitor, it automatically moves the pointer to the bottom of the lower res screen. It is thereofre in some way mapping a pointer to a different area of the screen when moving between monitors. Thats all thats needed for this function, just based on the relative size and res of the monitors.

This is a compromise, but it's not as nearly as convenient as what we're asking for.

What we have are two or more monitors of different resolutions, most likely of the same size, that makes our cursors jump from different heights. At one point, it might jump just a centimeter, and another point might jump an inch.

What we want is for a seamless transition from monitor to monitor, and for our cursor to maintain its speed and sensitivity across the different resolutions.

LittleBigMouse does this, but it can't handle two monitors of the same exact model number or something. They stack, or one isn't recognized, or whatever the issue is.

DisplayFusion is an alternative to this because of their cursor-jumping capability. However, it's not worth spending the $44 for the personal license without this feature included. If DF can do what LBM does but with multiple monitors, that'd be absolutely wonderful.
Aug 10, 2020  • #47
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3 discussion posts
Im no programmer but it seems to me a key element of this requested function is already in display fusion. There is an option that allows you to make it so the mouse does not get "stuck" when moving from the bottom of a higher resolution monitor, it automatically moves the pointer to the bottom of the lower res screen. It is thereofre in some way mapping a pointer to a different area of the screen when moving between monitors. Thats all thats needed for this function, just based on the relative size and res of the monitors.

This is a compromise, but it's not as nearly as convenient as what we're asking for.

What we have are two or more monitors of different resolutions, most likely of the same size, that makes our cursors jump from different heights. At one point, it might jump just a centimeter, and another point might jump an inch.

What we want is for a seamless transition from monitor to monitor, and for our cursor to maintain its speed and sensitivity across the different resolutions.

LittleBigMouse does this, but it can't handle two monitors of the same exact model number or something. They stack, or one isn't recognized, or whatever the issue is.

DisplayFusion is an alternative to this because of their cursor-jumping capability. However, it's not worth spending the $44 for the personal license without this feature included. If DF can do what LBM does but with multiple monitors, that'd be absolutely wonderful.

I get whats being asked for. I have the same problem and want a fix. My point is if DF can already manipulate where the cursor moves to when it goes from one screen to another then a core part of the functionality needed already exists in the orogramme and can be expanded on by the developers.
Aug 10, 2020  • #48
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Christian Treffler
42 discussion posts
[it's not worth spending the $44 for the personal license without this feature included.

I beg to differ :)

Surely I would appreciate, if among the many features of DF the function requested in this thread would be included.
But I use DF for so many other things and all these are absolutely worth the price.

Aug 12, 2020 (modified Aug 12, 2020)  • #49
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3 discussion posts
[it's not worth spending the $44 for the personal license without this feature included.

I beg to differ :)

Surely I would appreciate, if among the many features of DF the function requested in this thread would be included.
But I use DF for so many other things and all these are absolutely worth the price.


I mean, perhaps so. There is a lot more to it than just that. I was moreso talking in reference to the work-around on corner clipping and screen hopping. The current state of Windows 10 is fine to me except on how it handles different resolution sizes and screen sizes. The fact that this software can help fix corner clipping on my monitors is great, but it's not $44 great. If this software can scale where the mouse jumps to and scale the cursor speed on my mouse between the different resolutions, I'd go pro in a heartbeat.
Aug 16, 2020  • #50
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1 discussion post
Please add my vote here.
Aug 20, 2020  • #51
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Sarah Northway64891
1 discussion post
Add my vote!

But y'all should install LittleBigMouse in the meantime ( It's free, open source, and shockingly good.
• Attachment: LittleBigMouse_Control_J8joWlDP4y.png [529,184 bytes]
Aug 22, 2020  • #52
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts
I've downloaded and installed LBM, and it very neatly takes care of the major issue I purchased DF for (corner snagging on my 3 displays). I'm certainly not regretting my purchase of DF, but it does way more than I need and doesn't do something I really want. And I want it so much I'm quite happy to give up the few other features of DF that I very rarely use.

@Keith Lammers, DisplayFusion's very product name exudes the idea of seamless multi-display operation and convenience. The lack of the capability that LBM provides is, frankly, stunning.

I'm hoping this thread provides the proof that this feature is the kind of functionality people would expect from a product so named.

PS. Love affair with LBM short-lived. Does NOT get along with Blender. At all.
Aug 22, 2020 (modified Aug 24, 2020)  • #53
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1 discussion post
I have a dual 27" monitor setup, but one is 4k and the other is 2k.
By default the image seems to fit correctly, but it is not aligned, if I align the background with scaling than it will result in a black side bar.
But the image is a 10240x2880 so there should be no issue in scaling the 2K side to a 4k.

See attachment if the url expires.

I'm just trying DF for the first time and the app seem rich of functionalities, but this is a dealbreaker for me :(
• Attachment [protected]: df_issue.jpg [1,751,118 bytes]
Oct 31, 2020  • #54
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Could you also send me over the photo your trying to set as your background?

Nov 3, 2020  • #55
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10 discussion posts
Please add my vote as well! As others have noted, LittleBigMouse breaks when the monitor configuration changes and is not actively supported.
Jan 5, 2021  • #56
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7 discussion posts
Hi folks,

I came upon DisplayFusion while trying to solve the Windows issue where moving the cursor between monitors doesn't work properly. Ideally the pointer should go to the closest physical location on the other monitor when moving across the border. But although you can adjust your monitors' relative positions in Windows's display settings, you can't scale them. So if you have monitors of the same physical size but different resolutions, it's impossible to align them correctly.

One symptom of this issue is that the pointer "snags" on unaligned monitor edges, and I know there's a setting in DisplayFusion that can fix that annoyance. But can DisplayFusion fix the more general issue? That is, can it enable me to configure my monitors so that the mouse will move across the border to the nearest physical location on the other monitor?

I'd happily buy the premium version if it can. If not, does anyone know of any software out there that can?

The issue is described in more detail in many questions, including this one and this one.

Sounds like the issue I ran into described here, pretty sure that if this is fixed then the already existing "Prevent mouse cursor from snagging unaligned monitor edges" feature would solve the issue here.
Jan 6, 2021  • #57
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts

Sounds like the issue I ran into described here, pretty sure that if this is fixed then the already existing "Prevent mouse cursor from snagging unaligned monitor edges" feature would solve the issue here.

Not the solution we're looking for. The desired behavior is to realign the cursor to the adjacent coordinates on the additional monitor(s) so that it flows along the same path naturally, rather than jumping vertically as it transitions to the alternate displays.
Jan 6, 2021  • #58
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7 discussion posts

Sounds like the issue I ran into described here, pretty sure that if this is fixed then the already existing "Prevent mouse cursor from snagging unaligned monitor edges" feature would solve the issue here.

Not the solution we're looking for. The desired behavior is to realign the cursor to the adjacent coordinates on the additional monitor(s) so that it flows along the same path naturally, rather than jumping vertically as it transitions to the alternate displays.

Don't know why you think I'd want it to 'jump vertically', I want the same as you only with a hotkey rather than by dragging the mouse over.

Anyway I found a workaround as a custom script you can add to DisplayFusion functions (I think you must have the Pro version) that will do what you want through a hotkey until BFS fixes this. The code is here, just copy it into a custom function, give it a hotkey and apply, you can also invert it (read first comment in the script) so you have another hotkey which will go to previous monitor instead.
Jan 6, 2021  • #59
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts

Not the solution we're looking for. The desired behavior is to realign the cursor to the adjacent coordinates on the additional monitor(s) so that it flows along the same path naturally, rather than jumping vertically as it transitions to the alternate display(s).

Don't know why you think I'd want it to 'jump vertically', I want the same as you only with a hotkey rather than by dragging the mouse over.

I didn't say that you wanted it to jump vertically. Jumping vertically as the mouse cursor is dragged from display to display at any location other than the vertical centerline (X axis) of the display (assuming adjacent displays are congruent along their centerlines) is the current behavior, and it's not appropriate handling for seamless mouse movement across scaled displays. The "prevent mouse from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" option is only a partial solution.

Anyway I found a workaround as a custom script you can add to DisplayFusion functions (I think you must have the Pro version) that will do what you want through a hotkey until BFS fixes this. The code is here, just copy it into a custom function, give it a hotkey and apply, you can also invert it (read first comment in the script) so you have another hotkey which will go to previous monitor instead.

This script does not appear to address the original issue, although some will find it useful.
Jan 6, 2021 (modified Jan 6, 2021)  • #60
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TwoTone Technical Support
1 discussion post
Any updates on this? Up until now I was downscaling the resolution on my secondary monitor to match the resolution of my main one. The side monitor is vertical and aligns with the landscape edge of my main monitor. It works great that way but the side monitor is downscaled so definitely losing potential there. I was under the impression that DF could resolve this so I bought a license. It's my mistake for assuming for sure, but definitely hoping the feature gets added!

Edit: adding vote for this feature
Apr 14, 2021 (modified Apr 14, 2021)  • #61
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts
Any updates on this? Up until now I was downscaling the resolution on my secondary monitor to match the resolution of my main one. The side monitor is vertical and aligns with the landscape edge of my main monitor. It works great that way but the side monitor is downscaled so definitely losing potential there. I was under the impression that DF could resolve this so I bought a license. It's my mistake for assuming for sure, but definitely hoping the feature gets added!

Edit: adding vote for this feature

I think that, if after almost 5 years of users requesting this feature it hasn't materialized, it's not going to.

While I like DisplayFusion for what it does and this feature is a natural complement to its abilities, I seriously doubt we'll ever see it happen. If this is specifically what you wanted DF for, I'd suggest you look into getting a refund.

I'm assuming that DF has reached BF's vision of maturity and I doubt any further enhancements will be made.
Apr 14, 2021  • #62
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

@TwoToneTechnicalSupport Vote added! We are still tracking this for a future version, but it is a tricky issue to fix. If we have any news on a solution in the future, we'll be sure to post here.

@DodgeDeBoulet We are continually releasing beta's for DisplayFusion each month, which include bug fixes and feature request additions. DisplayFusion most definitely has not reached it's maturity, and we still plan to continue to enhance it in the future :)

Apr 16, 2021  • #63
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aa kk57840
3 discussion posts

@TwoToneTechnicalSupport Vote added! We are still tracking this for a future version, but it is a tricky issue to fix. If we have any news on a solution in the future, we'll be sure to post here.

@DodgeDeBoulet We are continually releasing beta's for DisplayFusion each month, which include bug fixes and feature request additions. DisplayFusion most definitely has not reached it's maturity, and we still plan to continue to enhance it in the future :)


Hahaha, you're tracking it for 5 years already. If software developer would be hired on a job in commercial product, he would solve this within a week.
Apr 16, 2021  • #64
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1 discussion post
+1 for my vote. I would buy a license in an instant so I could stop using little big mouse.
Apr 24, 2021  • #65
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1 discussion post
Please add this, I was using LittleBigMouse until now but it was a bit glitchy (especially in games). I have 3 monitors next to each other (all 27inch) with a 1440p monitor in the middle, two 1080p on the sides, and its super painful having my mouse catch and not come out in the right place.

A patch would be awesome that adds monitor size adjustment/scaling, at least for people with 1440p/4k monitors next to 1080p ones that are the same size. Basically the whole reason I bought this software was for this feature.

So please add 1 vote from me +1 from my dog aye she says it definitely should be a feature.
• Attachment: Screenshot 2021-05-06 174408.png [47,384 bytes]
Screenshot 2021-05-06 174408.png
Screenshot 2021-05-06 174408.png
May 6, 2021  • #66
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Liam Greenhalgh
1 discussion post
+1 for my vote as well
Sep 29, 2021  • #67
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added!
Sep 29, 2021  • #68
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Luiz Frederico13457
1 discussion post
I've been using LBM lately, tho I'm having some problems, like mouse lag and mainly that if it crashes (happens often when I lock the PC and come back) I simply cannot make it startup again without restarting the PC.
Have you guys at least started working on the feature? the thread has been open for 5 years already, it would be nice to be able to see this feature in a roadmap.
Also, (pretty sure It has been said many times), LBM is open source, so it could be a great source of inspiration.
At last, you can surely count my vote for this feature!
Oct 24, 2021  • #69
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Unfortunately we haven't made much progress on this, sorry!

Vote added as well.

Oct 26, 2021  • #70
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10 discussion posts
For our understanding, what would be necessary to prioritize this feature? Given the activity in this thread, it seems there's a widespread desire going back multiple years. Thanks!
Oct 26, 2021  • #71
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

As Keith mentioned in post #42, there are many factors we take a look at for prioritizing feature requests, including activity/votes. We've bumped this up on our list, although we hold no promises :)

Oct 28, 2021  • #72
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7 discussion posts
Add my vote. Found Little Big Mouse, it's exactly what I need/want added but it's buggy.
Dec 1, 2021  • #73
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Petri Vihavainen
2 discussion posts
Really would like this feature to come to the DF so I wouldn't have to get another program to run in the background. This one is also a temporary solution until DF could get this feature into their software.
Dec 2, 2021  • #74
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts
Really would like this feature to come to the DF so I wouldn't have to get another program to run in the background. This one is also a temporary solution until DF could get this feature into their software.

DisplayFusion does have this feature; see "Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" in the Mouse Management menu.
What it doesn't have is a smooth, scaled transition from monitors of different sizes and resolutions. That's what this request is all about.
Dec 2, 2021 (modified Dec 2, 2021)  • #75
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Petri Vihavainen
2 discussion posts

DisplayFusion does have this feature; see "Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" in the Mouse Management menu.
What it doesn't have is a smooth, scaled transition from monitors of different sizes and resolutions. That's what this request is all about.

I see, alright. I will be getting another display later on thou so perhaps this will be something what I'd need also. Thanks! For that "...snapping on unaligned monitor edges" advice. I didn't know about that.
Dec 2, 2021  • #76
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Robert M93413
3 discussion posts
Toss in my vote please. I'm using 3 monitors all different sizes and resolutions and this is driving me crazy.
Mar 5, 2022  • #77
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1 discussion post
I would pay for this feature, please add my vote.
Mar 6, 2022  • #78
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added!
Mar 7, 2022  • #79
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3 discussion posts
i see this was already mentioned above leaving it anyways for those who havent caught up
free option that performs mouse mapping on monitors with differnt dpi:
DPI Aware mouse move across screens for Windows 10
Allows accurate mouse screen crossover location within multi dpi monitors environment. It is typically useful when using a 4k monitor and a full HD side by side.

Mar 12, 2022 (modified Mar 12, 2022)  • #80
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts
i see this was already mentioned above leaving it anyways for those who havent caught up

free option that performs mouse mapping on monitors with differnt dpi:
DPI Aware mouse move across screens for Windows 10
Allows accurate mouse screen crossover location within multi dpi monitors environment. It is typically useful when using a 4k monitor and a full HD side by side.

And it's still just as broken now as it's been the last dozen times it was mentioned.
Mar 12, 2022  • #81
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2 discussion posts
i see this was already mentioned above leaving it anyways for those who havent caught up

free option that performs mouse mapping on monitors with differnt dpi:
DPI Aware mouse move across screens for Windows 10
Allows accurate mouse screen crossover location within multi dpi monitors environment. It is typically useful when using a 4k monitor and a full HD side by side.

This doesnt fix the issue with Multiple Moniters that are the same resolution but different sizes. I.E. a 24" 1440p with a 27" 1440p :(
Mar 12, 2022  • #82
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3 discussion posts
And it's still just as broken now as it's been the last dozen times it was mentioned.

try this.
i installed it yesterday but preferred Littlebigmouse. LBM felt fluid. MOuse movement between screens was too erratic on cursr.
Mar 12, 2022 (modified Mar 12, 2022)  • #83
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3 discussion posts

This doesn't fix the issue with Multiple Monitors that are the same resolution but different sizes. I.E. a 24" 1440p with a 27" 1440p :(

You're not setting it up correctly. You need to adjust the size of your screens in the Locations settings so that the edges align to form a rectangle canvas.
• Attachment: 2022-03-12 13_56_09-Clipboard6.png [193,801 bytes]
2022-03-12 13_56_09-Clipboard6.png
2022-03-12 13_56_09-Clipboard6.png
Mar 12, 2022 (modified Sep 1, 2022)  • #84
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1 discussion post
Please add in my vote as well, "prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" works, but it is not smooth.
Mar 30, 2022  • #85
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1 discussion post
6 years since OP. Any progress? +1 vote for this.
Apr 18, 2022  • #86
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added!

No updates, but this is still open on our feature request list.

Apr 19, 2022  • #87
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6 discussion posts
Add another vote in please!
Apr 20, 2022  • #88
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Christopher Whipple
1 discussion post
Add my vote. I used to use LBM when it was less buggy. It seems to be abandoned unfortunately. It would be nice to get that functionality, but aware of profile changes and disconnected monitors. Why not work with the community on making and testing this? LBM has their code on github, though I'm not sure of the license, but maybe a hint can be found in their abandoned code? Might be outdated on win11...

I wonder if this could be messed with using DF's scripting? If so, it might not be hard to either make LBM aware of profile changes or copy LBM's functionality.
Jul 8, 2022  • #89
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Rik van den Reijen30843
3 discussion posts
Please add my vote to. I can't change the aspect ratio of my second TV screen (that I use as monitor) that I hooked up through a dongle so it isn't detected in the NVIDIA configuration screen where I can manually change it. It would be great to just able to click the resolution mine is 1824x1900
• Attachment [protected]: 2022-07-11 Suggested aspected ratio change location Monitor_Configuration___DisplayFusion_Pro_9.9.png [106,599 bytes]
Jul 11, 2022  • #90
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1 discussion post
please add my vote, too.
Using DF since a long time and I am really surprised, that it is not able to solve this problem.
Aug 13, 2022  • #91
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added!
Aug 15, 2022  • #92
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6 discussion posts
Add my vote too please.
Sep 14, 2022  • #93
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4 discussion posts
I really had my hopes up seeing this posted in 2016 and the company saying it's on their to do list and then I started scrolling... I would have prefaced your first response with "it's on our to do list, but it may be a decade or never before we look into it".
Oct 26, 2022  • #94
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@kjac94510: Just for some context, we have well over 1000 feature and improvement requests that customers have sent in over time. We put any and all requests on the feature request list, but that doesn't mean it will be implemented, or even if we're planning to implement one, when that will be. That's why I always state that it's been put on the list, and we'll post an update if and when we implement it.
Oct 26, 2022 (modified Oct 26, 2022)  • #95
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4 discussion posts
@kjac94510: Just for some context, we have well over 1000 feature and improvement requests that customers have sent in over time. We put any and all requests on the feature request list, but that doesn't mean it will be implemented, or even if we're planning to implement one, when that will be. That's why I always state that it's been put on the list, and we'll post an update if and when we implement it.

I get the idea behind it, but it's unusal for things to be voted on for several years with no indication of how close it is to actually being considered or worked on. Is the feature request list public? I've searched for it, but couldn't find anything. I know that some companies keep a public list and show the current vote count for each feature request. It's nice to see where your requested feature ranks in the list and allows us to vote for other features we'd like to see without having to visit these forum posts for each one.
Oct 26, 2022  • #96
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We keep the feature request list private. This is a popular feature request for sure, and one we've considered starting a few times, but the amount of effort needed to develop and test it to make sure it's reliable and works for everyone's unique configurations has kept it low on the list unfortunately.
Oct 27, 2022  • #97
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6 discussion posts
>The amout of effort needed to develop and test to ensure it works with everyone's configurations

This is literally just a windows registry value that needs to be changed. Having to "ensure it supports everybody's configurations" is a bit of a cop out since these registry values have been in the same place on Windows since DPI scaling was added in Windows XP. This request has been open for 6 years, it took me 10 minutes to find the relevant registry keys through Microsoft's documentation and test it myself.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
REG_DWORD Win8DpiScaling = Turning scaling On / Off (1 / 0)
(Should be set to off/0 while using per monitor settings)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\PerMonitorSettings\<MonitorName>
REG_DWORD DpiValue = Scaling factor

Duplicate the same values in
REG_DWORD DpiValue = Scaling factor

Infact, here's a publicly available script that does exactly what this request is asking for. Probably a good starting point to help speed things up!
Oct 27, 2022 (modified Oct 27, 2022)  • #98
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@afevis: This thread is getting very long and I think we're talking about different things here.

Most of the posts here are about adding a feature where DF compensates for the differing monitor PPI and automatically adjusts the mouse position when crossing the borders.

The script you posted looks to be for adjusting the scaling level of a monitor. We're actually already working on that capability in DF and if all of the testing checks out, it should be in one of the next few betas.
Oct 28, 2022  • #99
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Ryan S59259
2 discussion posts
I just installed reading (mis-reading) from this post:

Sadly, I expected this feature and have had to uninstall as it is not present. I would GLADLY pay $50+ for this feature alone. Honestly, none of the other features have much value to me. Read through some of the comments. People spend hundreds if not thousands on their multi-display configurations and this one problem is SUPER FRUSTRATING. Definitely worth paying for.

FYI: LBM is flagged by my corporate antivirus.
Nov 23, 2022  • #100
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Dodge DeBoulet
22 discussion posts
Well, it appears I've outlasted an actual need for this solution. I now have 2 identical 32" 4K displays and the mouse cursor transition from display to display is seamless.

My vote for this feature was added years ago, and I'm not withdrawing it. But my need for DF (limited almost exclusively to handling corner snagging) has pretty much vaporized.
Dec 20, 2022  • #101
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4 discussion posts

The script you posted looks to be for adjusting the scaling level of a monitor. We're actually already working on that capability in DF and if all of the testing checks out, it should be in one of the next few betas.

This is exactly what I'm looking for, has the beta with this feature been released yet?
Dec 20, 2022  • #102
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This is exactly what I'm looking for, has the beta with this feature been released yet?

@kjac94510: Yep! 10.0 Beta 18 allows you to set the display scaling level in the Monitor Config and save/load it with Monitor Profiles.
Dec 20, 2022  • #103
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4 discussion posts
This is exactly what I'm looking for, has the beta with this feature been released yet?

@kjac94510: Yep! 10.0 Beta 18 allows you to set the display scaling level in the Monitor Config and save/load it with Monitor Profiles.

Just to clarify though, this feature does not address the original issue about being able to scale monitors according to DPI in addition to adjusting their positions so mouse movement across monitors with different DPIs works properly, correct?
Dec 20, 2022  • #104
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Correct, there's a lot going on in this thread. There were two requests, one for being able to set scaling with monitor config/profiles (done in 10.0 B18) and one for mouse position compensation (not done).
Dec 21, 2022  • #105
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4 discussion posts
This is exactly what I'm looking for, has the beta with this feature been released yet?

@kjac94510: Yep! 10.0 Beta 18 allows you to set the display scaling level in the Monitor Config and save/load it with Monitor Profiles.

I'm a little confused. I've downloaded the latest beta and I see the DPI slider under monitor configuration, but all it seems to do is adjust the DPI no different than adjusting it in Win10 monitor settings. Is that what it's supposed to do? My 4k monitor is at 200% DPI and my 2k monitor is at 150% DPI, I'd like to keep them at those DPI values otherwise the text becomes too larger/small. The issue I was having is when moving a program window from one monitor to the other, it resizes the window to the new monitors DPI instead of keeping the window the same size (in appearance). Is that what this new DPI scaling feature addresses?
Dec 22, 2022  • #106
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@kjac94510: Adjusting it in DF is the same as doing it in the Windows settings. The feature is that you can save adjust it in DF, and save it with Monitor Profiles so that you can load the scaling level automatically along with the rest of the monitor settings.

There is no way to make application windows not resize when moving them between monitors of different scaling levels. Windows does that automatically and we can't prevent it.
Dec 22, 2022  • #107
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4 discussion posts
I may have (finally, more than six years later) found a solution to the original problem: an app called Cursr. It's not a feature of the free version, but the pro version goes for a pretty reasonable $14 or $1/mo. Haven't bit the bullet yet so can't vouch for it based on long-term use, but in my limited testing with the 5-minute pro trial it seems to work pretty well.
Jan 5, 2023  • #108
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Ryan S59259
2 discussion posts
OMG!!! I cannot describe the relief! Worth every penny! I had no idea how much stress this was causing me... Banging my mouse around from screen to screen I didn't realize I had developed these muscle spasm type workarounds to fight my brain naturally wanted to happen. DF Guys, take a look at Cursr. The interface is a little clunky, but once it's setup it just works (mostly) and is otherwise totally hidden from view. I really like that actually, that there's no other features. I still think DF can improve on their design, but for me, I'd like to be able to hide features that I don't want added. Also, I never got to take a fair look at Beta 18 (though I was super excited about it) because it kept saying I needed PRO to access monitor settings (some error about needing pro for scripting).
Now I can move seamlessly between monitors of different resolutions and even cut through the corners in the negative space between screens super smoothly.
FYI for my use case: the layout is something like this where I want the mouse to cross where the (+) touch other. (Note the jump across the negative space corners too. Very nice)


(Real Life what my eyes see)

|  2k 27"    + (negative space corner)
|            |   |+-----------|
|+----+--+---|   |  2k 27"    |
    |-+--+----+  +            |
    + 4k lptp |  |------------|
(What Windows shows in Display settings. Not reality)
      |-------| |-------|
      |       | |       |
      |-------| |-------|
|             |
|             |

To make DF world class, I'd like to see a way to stretch the monitor configuration reported by the OS to fit what I see with my eyes, and then have the software connect the seams correctly and even let the mouse jump the inverted corners. Still lots of hand tuning is required with cursr and it's a little glitchy at times, but it's worlds better than going without.
Jan 5, 2023 (modified Jan 5, 2023)  • #109
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the heads up about Cursr, we'll check it out!
Jan 5, 2023  • #110
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Azarel Howard25589
1 discussion post
@kjac94510: Adjusting it in DF is the same as doing it in the Windows settings. The feature is that you can save adjust it in DF, and save it with Monitor Profiles so that you can load the scaling level automatically along with the rest of the monitor settings.

So... changing the monitor DPI still leaves us with the half baked solution that Microsoft provided for this problem. Which, tbh, works well enough for ensuring taskbars, icons, and applications all scale uniformly across all displays, however it doesn't aid at all with wallpaper and curor issues. As you're only currently working to address wallpaper issues in 10.0 I'll focus on that and leave the cursor issue for later.

I think the fix is simply to change how wallpaper projection works in the wallpaper manager. Currently wallpaper manager displays everything the same as in Windows. And when you change the scale adjustment... it just zooms in on that monitors slice of the projected image without compensating across the other displays.

The fix would be to fundamentally change how scale works. Instead of zooming the image segment which is it's current function, the percentile should be the relative physical size adjustment of the selected monitor. I've attempted a mockup, see the last of the attached images. Bonus marks would be to add the ability to account for bezels as well but... that's a decidedly optional extra.

Incidentally... add my vote for this issue please.
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Jan 8, 2023  • #111
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1 discussion post
I don't understand. If Little Big Mouse can do it, why can't you guys do it?

(or at least make the soft compatible with little big mouse x) . Right now everytime I change profile, it makes little big mouse buggy)
Feb 22, 2024 (modified Feb 22, 2024)  • #112
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