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Will Parker189455
2 discussion posts

Can't seem to work out if this is possible - I've been playing around in the multiple monitor configurations

I have a 21" in the middle and two 19" ones one on each side of the big middle one.

What I get is the step down on each side at the top and step up on each bottom edge.

When I play a game in a large borderless window I'd like it to span all three monitors - I can do this with nVidia ssrround but I don't prefer the stepping or the other bezel issues not to mention the effect it has on the rest of the display use when not playing the game and for the other user accounts.

Can I set the height resolution of the big monitor to the same pixels as the smaller ones and then nudge it up/down till it all lines up across the bezels?

Currently I have
1: 1680x1050 - LEFT - 59hz
2: 1920x1080 - MIDDLE - 60hz
3: 1680x1050 - RIGHT- 59hz

The smaller ones seem to auto configure at 59hz but I can force them to 60hz and doesnt seem to adversely affect quality.

I guess I'm wanting a custom middle monitor resolution of 1920x1050 and the ability to move it up and down to line up with the sides.

Any chance this is possible?

Best regards,
Dec 8, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately DisplayFusion can't offer functionality like that. I'm not aware of any software that can actually, but you might check out SoftTH. I've never tested it myself, but I've heard from other customers who have said it seems to work for them.

Hope that helps!
Dec 8, 2015  • #2
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Will Parker189455
2 discussion posts
Thank you - I'll check it out. Good to know a definite answer anyway - Cheers,
Dec 9, 2015  • #3
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