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5 discussion posts

I just bought and installed Display Fusion. Its functionallity is really good and I like splitting my DQWHD Monitor and still be able to maximize windows just to one split of the screen.
Unfortunately I have a problem. Due to the fact I work now mainly from home I use Microsoft Remote Dektop for my work. Now there I really need to make sure there are no misunderstandings I do NOT talk about the normal MS RDP! I am talking about Microsoft Remote Desktop also called Azure Virtual Desktop (AvD)!
Now you might say, what are you talking about. Unfortunately at MS there seem to work a lot of idiots. There is a special remote desktop for companies that provides a remote desktop for the user in the Azure Cloud. You could call it the predeccessor to RDP with Citrix. It features most of the Citrix features plus all features of a normal RDP without Citrix (solving a lot of problems with audio devices and so on). This programm needs to be installed seperatly either via the Microsoft Store or a seperate download provided in the MS documentation.

This Remote Desktop is mainly functioning like a normal RDP everyone knows.

First it opens the Remotedesktop selection, where you can select the AvD you want to start and how multi monitors are used in your system (All or just a selection) and how these monitors are seen in AvD (as one big monitor or as several monitors just as they are on the client system).

Then you log in and the RDP session is started as normal. Unfortunately it is then maximzed just to one of the splitted parts of the screen, but to make it easier with the full resolution of the whole monitor.
So I set in DisplayFusion to see it as a full screen application. Unfortunately that doesn't change something.

Is there any way to change this? Is there another setting I just haven't found?



Here some pictures for better understanding and a link to the app in the MS store:
Remote Desktop in MS Store
• Attachment [protected]: 20230625_164814.png [33,492 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 20230625_165336.png [39,844 bytes]
Jun 25, 2023  • #1
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5 discussion posts
It seems I could solve the problem. Now I only have an occasional flickering window when switching to AvD or away from it.

I have changed the compatibility settings for both exe of the Remote Desktop and that finally seems to work.
• Attachment [protected]: 20230626_080931.png [70,528 bytes]
Jun 26, 2023  • #2
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