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2 discussion posts
Im not sure if this is where I should post this, but i need support for how to fix this as this was the main and mostly only reason for buying this program.. I want to easily switch monitor profiles between having my two monitors being the main display.. but I am constantly thrown an error message "displayfusion error HR: 87 failed to call setdisplayconfig". I can't switch between literally any profiles; if i make one that switches the display from 1 to 2, or switching between 1 + 2 with the main display being on either. basically, i can't switch between any profiles at all..!

i've looked online and i see that this is a problem others have had, but im not sure how to use the troubleshooting they did to help myself. i have a different version than they did (the program seems to state I'm using 9.9), and i dont really know how to roll back to a different version to see if that helps..

i'm terribly sorry if this isnt the correct place to go, or if i've not given enough information for anyone to be able to help.. ! please let me know what information I need to provide in order to revieve assistance, hah.. thanks!
Dec 29, 2022 (modified Dec 29, 2022)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've re-worked our monitor code in our latest beta, and it should fix this up. You can grab it here:

You'll need to recreate your monitor profiles after updating to the beta as well.

Dec 30, 2022  • #2
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2 discussion posts
oh, thank you! I've still got a bit of an issue, as my lincense key doesn't work for that version.. Is it possible to use the newest beta version if i'be purchased the licence key through steam? or will I have to wait for it tp be available as an update?
Dec 30, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yep you can use the beta with the steam version. If you open the DisplayFusion Settings > Options > enable "Check for new Beta versions" and then click "Check for updates now", it should update you.

Dec 30, 2022  • #4
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