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This past week has been a busy week in my family's life. We enjoyed the arrival of our 3rd daughter, Lotus Tackabury. Join in our celebration this week by saving 33% off any DisplayFusion purchase from now until Saturday, October 9th at midnight (GMT-5)! Visit the DisplayFusion Purchase page to see how much you can save on your purchase this week. This discount applies to any licenses purchased, including multi-license purchases, personal home licenses and site licenses. Any site licenses that are quoted during the sale will be quoted at 33% off, and the quote will be honoured for up to 45 days. Here are some sample prices for different license quantities:

What does baby Lotus think of all this?

Baby Lotus Loves DisplayFusion!

If you have been waiting for a good time to pickup some DisplayFusion licenses, now is your chance. You can buy 5 licenses at just $10.05 each, for a total of $50.25. That's only $50 for 5 licenses! This sale ends Saturday, October 9th at midnight (GMT-5) so don't delay!

Update: This sale is now over. Thanks to everyone who supported DisplayFusion by purchasing a license!

Oct 3, 2010  • #1
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Isaac Kishk
1 discussion post
Congrats!!! Let the lack of sleep continue!
Oct 4, 2010  • #2
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Joris Klop
2 discussion posts
Congrats man! She looks very cure :) .

Bought my second license today...

Greetings from,

The Nethelands
Oct 4, 2010  • #3
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Joris Klop
2 discussion posts
Congrats man! She looks very cute

Greetings from,

The Nethelands
Oct 4, 2010  • #4
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Adam Buck
1 discussion post
oh no just missed out on the sale :( want to extend it a day??
Oct 10, 2010  • #5
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savu vasile
1 discussion post
se ve mui bien
Oct 30, 2010  • #6
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