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Joseph K Castellat
2 discussion posts
I like to keep my chat windows (like from steam, pidgin, etc) in the corners of my monitors. however, I noticed that if I let them snap, the image of the window freezes in place, but I am still able to communicate through them. Basically, I am still able to type in the screen, and interact with the tabs, but I won't see anything I type, or which tab I'm on until I move the window away from the corner. It is the same with messages I recieve; I won't be able to see them until I move the window.

Any idea what might be causing this?

it's kinda hard to show this in a screenshot, so I've chosen not to attach one.
Mar 7, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I wasn't able to reproduce the issue with pidgin, but I was able to with Steam. We'll look into it and see what we can figure out!

Mar 7, 2012  • #2
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Joseph K Castellat
2 discussion posts
Awesome, that's exciting :D
Mar 9, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update, DisplayFusion 3.5 Beta 11 (renamed to 4.0.0 Beta 11) is now available and should fix this issue :)

Mar 30, 2012  • #4
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
I've this exact issue, using Steam with DF v4.0.1 as well as 4.1.0 Beta 1.

Sliding the Steam window seems to force it to refresh, but if left snapped in position it remains frozen.

I'm using Windows 7 64bit (did they even do a 32bit W7?).

Jun 1, 2012  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Does this happen when snapping the Steam windows to the monitor edges or other application edges (or both)?
Jun 4, 2012  • #6
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
Does this happen when snapping the Steam windows to the monitor edges or other application edges (or both)?

Only when snapping to other windows (including other Steam windows).

I can confirm it acts normally when snapped to the edge of the screen - not the way Windows does it by default, (also achieved with the WIN + Left/Right shortcut) but using DisplayFusion's technique.

I've tested it using the main window - in my case, the 'friends' panel, as well as the 'messaging' window for individual chats.

In order to test the main window, I opened the 'add a friend...' dialogue (a browser contained inside the much larger 'community' steam window) and snapped it to the friends panel. The friends panel freezes until it is moved away from the main window, or the main window is closed.

I hope this helps - I can do a quick video showing exactly how to recreate this bug, if my instructions aren't too clear. It won't be until tonight (GMT), though. I'm out celebrating my 25th birthday today! :)
Jun 5, 2012  • #7
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
Still broken on v4.1.0, Beta 3. Will keep testing as new betas come out.
Jun 7, 2012  • #8
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
Still broken using v4.1.0, Beta 4.
Jun 12, 2012  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the late response, I was out of the office last week. Happy Birthday by the way :)

Would you be able to send a quick video of how to reproduce the issue?

Jun 13, 2012  • #10
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
Sorry for the late response, I was out of the office last week. Happy Birthday by the way :)

Would you be able to send a quick video of how to reproduce the issue?


Thanks! Not a problem, will sort one out tomorrow and post it here when it's up on YouTube.
Jun 15, 2012  • #11
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts

There you go! Hopefully this will do the trick! :)
Jun 15, 2012 (modified Jun 15, 2012)  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! If you disable the Window Snapping feature in DisplayFusion, does the issue go away?
Jun 15, 2012  • #13
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
Thanks! If you disable the Window Snapping feature in DisplayFusion, does the issue go away?

Yep. It's impossible to snap the windows together without the feature enabled, after all! :)
Jun 16, 2012  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Haha, true! For some reason I was thinking that Steam had it's own window snapping feature... I'm going to check this out again and I'll keep you posted on what I find.
Jun 18, 2012  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I've tested and confirmed the issue. We'll check into it and I'll keep you posted on what I find out. In the meantime, you can disable Window Snapping for Steam using a DisplayFusion Compatibility rule (

Note that it will still snap to monitor edges, as it looks like that functionality is built into Steam.
Jun 18, 2012  • #16
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
Ok, I've tested and confirmed the issue. We'll check into it and I'll keep you posted on what I find out. In the meantime, you can disable Window Snapping for Steam using a DisplayFusion Compatibility rule (

Note that it will still snap to monitor edges, as it looks like that functionality is built into Steam.

Brilliant, thanks! The compatibility feature is pretty useful, I wasn't even aware I could do this.

And cheers for taking the time to look into it - when I've put effort in to help bring similar stuff to light in the past with other software, I usually find I get a "we'll look into it" and that's about it. Nice to see some real community engagement! :)

I can keep posting as new betas come out, or hold off until I see a specific "this steam issue has been fixed" in the changelog - I don't want to spam up the place if it's a low priority fix.
Jun 18, 2012  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries! No need to follow-up with each beta. I'll post an update here as soon as we have a beta with the fix available.

Jun 18, 2012  • #18
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Craig Jessup1
9 discussion posts
No worries! No need to follow-up with each beta. I'll post an update here as soon as we have a beta with the fix available.


Sounds good to me, thanks again! :)
Jun 18, 2012  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, this issue is "fixed" in 4.1 Beta 8. Unfortunately, we had to just blacklist Steam windows from snapping to other applications. It's unfortunately a bug with the way that Steam handles our window snapping code, and unfortunately there's nothing we can do from our end to fix it up.

Jun 27, 2012  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Steam will be blacklisted from window snapping in Beta 9, not Beta 8. Sorry for the mixup!
Jun 27, 2012  • #21
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