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Hairy Scot
9 discussion posts
I inherited a copy of "Chess - Secrets of the Grandmasters" from a friend.
It is a Windows 7 application so on Windows 10 I have to run it in compatibility mode and with restrictions on High DPI.
The problem is that when it starts it spreads my desktop icons across two of my three displays and locks me into the main display.
I've tried forcing it to a secondary display with a trigger. It appears there in a small window but cannot be used.

Has anyone come across this type of situation or this particular application?
Oct 23, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Those compatibility settings will likely cause some conflicts. For window moving, we just send a standard movement call, there isn't really much we can do if it breaks after moving it unfortuantely.

When the icons get shuffled, you can use our Desktop Icon Profile to move them back though. We have a guide on creating a profile here:

Oct 23, 2023  • #2
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Hairy Scot
9 discussion posts
Those compatibility settings will likely cause some conflicts. For window moving, we just send a standard movement call, there isn't really much we can do if it breaks after moving it unfortuantely.

When the icons get shuffled, you can use our Desktop Icon Profile to move them back though. We have a guide on creating a profile here:


Thank you.
Oct 23, 2023  • #3
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