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25 discussion posts
So, I have a multiple monitor setup, and I have two icons at the top of browsers to position the browser at a set place either one monitor or another, I have various browsers I use, all of them display the icons to click, except Chrome Canary. I know with Chrome when there are too many tabs the icons won't appear until your down to a few tabs (I.e. Windows 11 / Google Chrome Version 113.0.5672.127 (Official Build) (64-bit) / Eight Tabs or Windows 10 / Same version / Six Tabs). But on Windows 10, on Canary, I see the icons appear if I have low numbers of tabs open, but as I go to move the icon towards them, they go poof and dissapper. Is this a setting with Canary I'm overlooking or something you are aware off and know a work around in the application?
May 20, 2023 (modified May 20, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It may be an issue with the detection on the titlebar from the Canary build. If you enable the following option in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window: TitleBar Buttons: Don't Hide for Top-Tab Web Browsers, does that fix it up?
May 23, 2023  • #2
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25 discussion posts
That seemed to do the trick.

Thank You.
May 23, 2023  • #3
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