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19 discussion posts
The ClockSize Advanced Feature seems to not be working. The Advanced Settings button does open and allow the edit and in turn adds the ClockSize Key to the proper Hive according to your Adv. Settings Page, but the clock does not change size even after restarting DF. The Area you can click on to open the Calendar does increase in size, horizontally.

Perhaps I am not reading this setting correctly; I am assuming it should increase the size of the clock font itself both Vert. and Hor. within the Taskbar confines.
Nov 29, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Actually the clock font size is not customizable. The Clock Size Advanced Setting is only to increase the width of the clock area on the Taskbar so that if you use custom clock text that is longer than the default, it will all fit :)
Nov 29, 2011  • #2
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19 discussion posts
Actually the clock font size is not customizable. The Clock Size Advanced Setting is only to increase the width of the clock area on the Taskbar so that if you use custom clock text that is longer than the default, it will all fit :)

In that case, it is working as intended.

Are there any plans to allow sizing of the Clock Font?

Nov 29, 2011  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No plans at the moment, but we'll keep it in mind for the future.

Nov 29, 2011  • #4
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