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Denis Howe
12 discussion posts
All other windows I've tried (including PuTTY) snap to monitor edges just the way I've configured, but command prompt and other console app windows don't snap at all. I'm running 3.5.0 beta 8 on XP SP3.
Mar 10, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Tested and confirmed! We'll get that all fixed up for 3.5 Beta 9.

Mar 12, 2012  • #2
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85 discussion posts
Window snapping does indeed work with a command prompt but only if you have modified the default values ( background, font/size, color etc ).
Mar 12, 2012  • #3
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Denis Howe
12 discussion posts
Window snapping does indeed work with a command prompt but only if you have modified the default values (background, font/size, color etc ).

Thanks cH40z. I tried your idea but still no snap. Keith has confirmed the bug anyway.
Mar 13, 2012  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update, DisplayFusion 3.5 Beta 11 (renamed to 4.0.0 Beta 11) is now available and should fix this issue :)

Mar 30, 2012 (modified Mar 30, 2012)  • #5
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Denis Howe
12 discussion posts
(renamed to 4.0.0 Beta 11) is now available and should fix this issue

'fraid not. Most windows snap beautifully but Command Prompt and other console windows (e.g. Perl processes) not at all.

Display Fusion 4.0.0 b11 on XP SP3 X86.
Mar 31, 2012  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, it's working in Windows 7 now, but I hadn't tested XP. We'll look into it again and hopefully have it fixed up for the next beta.

Apr 2, 2012  • #7
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Denis Howe
12 discussion posts
DF 4.0.0 beta 11 snaps all my console windows on Windows 7, except for the XP version of cmd.exe (which is better than the W7 version).
Apr 2, 2012  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've done some digging into this, and unfortunately it's not possible for us to fix the XP Command Prompt snapping. We're not able to hook the window, as it's part of the OS (whereas in Windows 7 it's been separated out).

Apr 2, 2012  • #9
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256 discussion posts
DF 4.0.0 beta 11 snaps all my console windows on Windows 7, except for the XP version of cmd.exe (which is better than the W7 version).

Do you mean that you're running a WinXP cmd.exe on Win7 via Windows XP Mode?
Apr 2, 2012  • #10
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Denis Howe
12 discussion posts
it's not possible for us to fix the XP Command Prompt snapping

Thanks very much for looking into it anyway. may be of interest.

While my console windows don't snap on XP, the XP version of cmd.exe that I'm running on Windows 7, does snap now I've rebooted.

(The Windows 7 command prompt prefixes any title you set using the "title" command with "Administrator: ", obscuring your title on the task bar icon. The XP version runs fine on W7, it doesn't even need any compatibility settings).
Apr 3, 2012  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries! Good to know about the XP Command Prompt working in Windows 7 as well.

Apr 3, 2012  • #12
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