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6 discussion posts
Recently upgraded to dual-monitor setup. DisplayFusion working perfectly; however, seems to be an incompatibility with Windows Vista's Snipping Tool (which I use frequently). After reboot, Snipping Tool works as it should ... but if I change a wallpaper on either monitor, all future attempts to open SnippingTool result in this ...... ERROR: The Snipping Tool is not working on your computer right now. Restart your computer, and then try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. [OK]

Once I reboot, SnippingTool functionality returns.

I'm the only one using this computer; I have all necessary Administrator privileges, etc.

Anybody else? Any thoughts?

Aug 18, 2008  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
I would also try the snipping tools forums if they have one, it sounds like an issue with that rather than DisplayFusion. Perhaps another member here has experienced soemthing similar and can help, I would not know. Good luck to you though.

CAn I ask what the tool does so I can get an Idea of what its using?
Aug 19, 2008  • #2
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6 discussion posts
What the snipping tool does:
Aug 19, 2008  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Does the error occur when you change the wallpaper using the Windows wallpaper settings instead of DisplayFusion?
Sep 9, 2008  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm marking this thread as complete unless someone can provide more information.
Nov 5, 2008  • #5
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