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Mike Teruel
29 discussion posts
Anyone know of a way to completely disable the Windows 11 taskbar? I've enabled the option to show a DF taskbar on both of my monitors. Right now I have the Windows 11 taskbar set to auto-hide, but it pops up whenever I mouse over the DF taskbar.
Aug 1, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Mike,

Unfortunately there isn't a way to completely disable the Windows taskbar. I couldn't seem to reproduce this on my end though. You have the Window taskbar and DisplayFusion taskbar set to autohide, but hovering over the DisplayFusion taskbar also brings up the Windows taskbar?

Aug 2, 2022  • #2
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Mike Teruel
29 discussion posts
Yes, hovering over the DF taskbar also activates the auto-hidden Windows 11 taskbar.
I did find a way to effectively disable the Windows 11 taskbar using NirCmd so now I have only the DF taskbars.
Aug 2, 2022 (modified Aug 2, 2022)  • #3
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16 discussion posts
I use nircmd ( to make the taskbar transparent. I have two functions per taskbar, transparent and opaque:


Opaque: win trans class Shell_TrayWnd 255
Transparent: win trans class Shell_TrayWnd 256

for taskbar on second monitor. I run these functions with triggers to make them transparent on DF start and opaque on DF end. I also trigger them whenever an explorer.exe process starts because in some cases Windows would just reset the transparency. Make sure to keep the Windows taskbar on auto-hide; otherwise it's still on the bottom, albeit transparent. I also have DFs taskbar on the top of the screen.
• Attachment: Untitled.png [30,056 bytes]
Aug 4, 2022 (modified Aug 4, 2022)  • #4
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Mike Teruel
29 discussion posts
Ah yes I discovered nircmd the other day and now have it permanently hide the Windows 11 taskbar whenever I log in. I'm using the DF taskbar exclusively now on both of my monitors.

I have a folder in the root of my drive now called "nircmd". Inside that is nircmd.exe and a batch file with:

"C:\nircmd\nircmd.exe" win trans class Shell_TrayWnd 256

I've created a task in Task Scheduler to automatically run the batch file whenever I log in to Windows.
Aug 4, 2022 (modified Aug 4, 2022)  • #5
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72 discussion posts
Late to the party here, but I was able to "disappear" the Win11 taskbar using nircmd, but when I placed the DF taskbar on the main monitor where the Win11 taskbar was now transparent, the DF taskbar was not in the same space as the Win11n taskbar - it was situated above it, leaving a gap. Is there a way to have it completely "replace" the Win11 taskbar - i.e. sit in the same screen space as the one that is made invisible?
Aug 16, 2023  • #6
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