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Pete Mallam
2 discussion posts
I have an interesting setup that I am hoping to get a bit of assistance with.

I currently use 4 monitors, I have an application which I am hoping to effectively restrict to 2. This application, when entering full screen mode, will try to use all monitors (and if you have more than 2 monitors installed it will block out all but one monitor).

My current setup is using a Virtual Machine to take over 2 monitors, I then launch the application within that VM. It's really messy and I was hoping DisplayFusion might help.

I have played a little with it and have managed to get the application to restrict to one monitor - albeit with some odd side effects. This was done by way of setting a Window Location for the application. It opens on the specified monitor okay, but when I put it into full screen mode the monitor I have specified 'blanks' but the application actually opens on my default monitor.

Is there a way to specify which monitors an application is able to access, so when I launch the application in Full Screen mode it will only be aware of the monitors I have specified? I would very much need to use this application on 2 monitors (and only 2).

If this works then I will be seeing some pro licenses being bought.
Jul 14, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'm not sure there's much we can do there, as it sounds like they're maybe forcing the window size, or using a full screen renderer that DisplayFusion can't work with.

Is this application available publicly as a trial? Just wondering if I could test it out here.

Jul 15, 2014  • #2
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Pete Mallam
2 discussion posts
Hi, the application in question is the Amazon Workspaces Client, part of AWS.

Unfortunately, Workspaces is not included in the Free Usage Tier of AWS ( but it is available to all who have an AWS account - it's charged per workspace and the client only falls foul once it is connected (to a workspace) and in fullscreen mode.
Jul 15, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok. If you move it with a DisplayFusion Function, like "Move to Next Monitor and Maximize" does it then constrain to just the one monitor? The default hotkey for that is Ctrl + Win + A.
Jul 16, 2014  • #4
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1 discussion post
Sorry to bump such an old thread, but I am hoping to do the same thing, on the same software, but nearly a decade later. I have three monitors and Amazon Workspaces takes up all the monitors available when fullscreened, but I only want it to fullscreen into two of the monitors. Is there anything in displayfusion that could help me with that?
Sep 13, 2023 (modified Sep 13, 2023)  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately that's not something we support, sorry!
Sep 14, 2023  • #6
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Ariel Lawson
1 discussion post
Me86913 - I'm just a user but I'm in the same setup, I use an Amazon workspace for work and I like to have one monitor dedicated to personal things / background music / YouTube / etc while I work.

I found that however the workspace decides to use all monitors, it only seems to recognize the larger of the virtual monitors on any given individual monitor. I.e. if I split a monitor into 4, it will only show on one of those 4 monitors, and I can control which by making one slightly larger than the others.

My current solution has one of my widescreen monitors turned vertical for coding. The top 1/3 of that is its own virtual monitor and the bottom 2/3 is one larger one. Then when I go into fullscreen in the workspace, it only displays on the bottom 2/3 and leaves the top for me to play videos or whatever I choose.

Alternatively, if one of your monitors is large enough to handle all of your work, DF installed on the workspace does work and allow you to split the one monitor into however many screens you need, leaving the other two open for your choice.
Sep 27, 2023  • #7
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