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When setting up an NVIDIA Surround or AMD Eyefinity display group, it's possible to also configure custom resolutions that compensate for the space between physical monitors caused by the monitor bezels. Starting with DisplayFusion 7.0, you can configure monitor splits to also compensate for the monitor bezels.
The monitor splits allow you to have separate taskbars, wallpaper, and screen savers on each physical monitor, while still leaving Surround/Eyefinity enabled.
This guide assumes you've already enabled bezel compensation in the AMD/NVIDIA Control Panel.
The following steps are for the fairly standard setup of splitting a 3 monitor NVIDIA Surround/AMD Eyefinity group, aligned horizontally. If you've got a different Surround/Eyefinity setup, the same general steps apply, but you'll need to modify steps 4, 7, and 8 accordingly.
  1. Right-click on the DisplayFusion icon and select "Monitor Configuration" (also accessible via the "Options" tab in "Settings").
  2. Click the "Splits and Padding" button.
  3. Disable the "Auto-Fill Splits" checkbox.
  4. Use the "Preset Splits" button to select the 3x1 option.
  5. Select each split, and set the "Width" values to the actual resolution of your physical monitor (not the bezel corrected resolution).
  6. Click the "Show Preview" button.
  7. Select the middle split, and using the "Left" box in the Location group, increase the value until you see the white line on the left side of the middle monitor.
  8. Select the right split, and using the "Left" box in the Location group, increase the value until you see the white line on the left side of the right monitor.
  9. Verify that all three monitors have a white line on all four sides, then click OK, and OK again.
The video below demonstrates these steps on a Surround group that consists of 3 monitors at 1280x1024, with a bezel compensation of 50px between each monitor. The video was captured on a very wide resolution, so it's best viewed full screen with the quality set to 1080p or higher.
Jan 5, 2015 (modified Aug 12, 2022)  • #1
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2 discussion posts
These instructions are useless..... How do you start in Eyefinity/Surround mode, when you don't say how to get there? I'm starting with three separate screens, and wind up splitting/padding only one. At what point do you explain how to combine them? You could also try adding a SEARCH to your manual so I don't have to GOOGLE "bezel correction displayfusion" to link back to your ridiculous manual.

I regret paying for this inane software.
Mar 27, 2018  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The steps to enable Eyefinity/Surround differ depending on the video card and driver version. Generally speaking, it involves opening your video card's control panel (AMD Control Center or NVIDIA Control Panel), and then configuring Eyefinity or Surround using their wizard.

Hope that helps!
Mar 28, 2018  • #3
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2 discussion posts
This doesn't make any sense. Are you supposed to start with a bezel compensated setup in surround or the non bezel compensated surround?

I bought this software to avoid having to use Nvidia's shitty surround setup...

Can someone offer a little help?
Jul 9, 2018 (modified Jul 9, 2018)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for any confusion. This is used for configuring DisplayFusion's splits after you've enabled bezel compensation in Eyefinity/Surround.
Jul 9, 2018  • #5
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2 discussion posts
Maybe I'm an idiot... If I configured the monitor splits with bezel correction in the Nvidia software, why would I do it here? My understanding was that Display Fusion would look after this stuff for me. Switch between extended monitors and surround with and without bezel correction..

Am I wrong or have I been misinformed?
Jul 10, 2018  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
nVidia does provide a way to split your monitors, but using DisplayFusion to split them allows all of DisplayFusion's other functions to see the new virtual split-monitor. That's a big plus if you use DisplayFusion for anything else as well.
Jul 11, 2018  • #7
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Michael Edmondson46296
3 discussion posts
I have to agree with the others here... I bought this software to basically bypass Nvidia's Surround 'feature' because it causes my other 2 screens' G-sync to be disabled. I wanted a single spanned monitor across all 3, and have DF control everything - without Nvidia Surround. This is terribly misleading, and should be stated somewhere VERY visible in the purchase screen.
"Warning - Must have Nvidia Surround or AMD Eyefinitiy enabled for most/all of Display Fusion to operate properly"
Sep 27, 2018  • #8
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Michael Edmondson46296
3 discussion posts
All I want is bezel correction without Nvidia Surround. It appears that's impossible.
Sep 27, 2018  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Michael: I believe you're correct, it's not possible to do customer bezel corrected resolutions without using Surround or Eyefinity. The guide above does mention (in bold) "This guide assumes you've already enabled bezel compensation in the AMD/NVIDIA Control Panel."
Sep 27, 2018 (modified Sep 27, 2018)  • #10
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oldish skooler46719
1 discussion post
I have 3 29" LG Ultrawide monitors with eye infinity and would like some help getting the 3 monitors lined up. Now I know this is supposed to be done in the radeon settings but unlike Nvidia there is no bezel correction. I had to do some correction in game and use gaffer tape to keep the monitors aligned. IS there a way in Display Fusion to get the alignment on the monitors so I can span 5796x1078. I need to do this before I up the resolution. Thanks in advance.
Jan 5, 2019  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion can't do the actual bezel correction, no. Sorry :(
Jan 9, 2019  • #12
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