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Don Jarvis
1 discussion post
My main computer at home has 7 monitors attached to it. I routinely RDP to two other computers simultaneously.

Is there any way in displayfusion to define which local monitors the RDP sessions use. For example.

Screens 1&2 on the local computer are for local functions.

Screens 3,4,5 are for the first RDP session.

Screen 6 & 7 are for the second RDP session.

Thank you,

Mar 5, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately not, as the RDP window is either full screen on a single monitor, all monitors, or windowed at a specific size.

What you can do, is run it from a command prompt or shortcut with the parameters to define the window size.

For example, if all of your monitors are 1920x1080, and they're arranged horizontally, the commands for your two windows would be something like this:

Monitors 3,4,5: mstsc.exe /w:5760 /h:1080
Monitors 6,7: mstsc.exe /w:3840 /h:1080

You might need to tweak those values a bit, depending on your monitor layout, taskbar height etc, but that should hopefully point you in the right direction :)
Mar 5, 2014  • #2
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