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Professional Advantage
30 discussion posts
I just purchased DF and am very impressed with it's versatility and power; thank you. I've been trying out Window Position Profiles and Monitor Splits... but I don't think they're able to quite accomplish what I'm trying to do.

I'm trying to create predefined 'templates' so that when I hover over the maximize button on an app, i can make that app 'jump' to one of my predefined monitor areas. So is there a way to save a window position profile as a template, so that the template becomes available? Here is picture of a hypothetical example:
• Attachment: Display Fusion Profile Templates 2.png [62,528 bytes]
Display Fusion Profile Templates 2.png
Display Fusion Profile Templates 2.png
Aug 20, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future.

Aug 21, 2023  • #2
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Professional Advantage
30 discussion posts
This is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future. Thanks!

Fabulous... thank you! In the mean time, any ideas or videos you might point me to as a similar workaround?
Aug 21, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Actually our Custom Functions might be able to help you here. You can create different functions to move the selected app to a specific position with a specific size, and then add the function as a titlebar button so it appears on every window. We have a guide on our custom functions here:
Aug 22, 2023  • #4
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Professional Advantage
30 discussion posts
Thank You!
Aug 22, 2023  • #5
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Professional Advantage
30 discussion posts
This works awesome; thank you! This is actually quite a bit better than what I wanted to do in the first place. In case it will help anyone else, here's a template that can be used...

// Manual Window Sizing with Keyboard Shortcuts>
<Custom Functions>
System Tray > Rt-Click DisplayFusion > Settings > Functions > Custom Function > Add Custom Function:

Window Left Pane: S+C+A+←
Window Alignment: Top-Left
Window Width Change: 20%
Window Height Change: 100%

Window Center Pane: S+C+A+↑
For the center window, manually use mouse to set a window perfectly between the Left and Right windows > "Drag this icon to a target window..."

Window Right Pane: S+C+A++→
Window Alignment: Top-Right
Window Width Change: 35%
Window Height Change: 100%

<Add TitleBar Buttons>
Make sure "Enable TitleBar Button" is selected > Select each Custom Function > Click "Add TitleBar Button" > Windows XP Dark:
Windows Aero - Bottom-Left Corner
Windows Aero - Bottom Side
Windows Aero - Bottom-Right Corner
• Attachment: Display Fusion TitleBar Buttons.png [9,400 bytes]
Display Fusion TitleBar Buttons.png
Display Fusion TitleBar Buttons.png
Aug 26, 2023 (modified Aug 26, 2023)  • #6
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Professional Advantage
30 discussion posts
I have one request, that I think might be a small ask. In the attached image, I would never put the small window on the right, always on the left. Could you consider adding just this one additional mirror version of the 2 panel layout? Thanks for considering!
• Attachment: Display Fusion Profile Templates 2-20230828.png [71,230 bytes]
Display Fusion Profile Templates 2-20230828.png
Display Fusion Profile Templates 2-20230828.png
Aug 28, 2023  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This is currently on our feature request list so I've added your vote to it.

Aug 29, 2023  • #8
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