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zarchasmpgmr's profile on
This probably is more of a feature request than a bug…

To save storage space and reduce data redundancy, I created a folder, pointed the wallpaper randomizer to it, and created shortcuts to pictures in various directories. It appears DF doesn't recognize .lnk files.

Since this probably is a feature request, could this be added down the road?
Aug 17, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added this to our feature request list. There is a workaround you could use in the meantime. DisplayFusion will follow symlinks to other folders, so you can do the following:
  • Create your root folder
  • Open an elevated command prompt and change to the directory you just created
  • Enter the following command for each folder you want to link to: symlink /D shortcutname actual-folder-path (i.e. symlink /D Wallpapers1 X:\Wallpapers1

Hope that helps!
Aug 19, 2015  • #2
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