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Fábio Hilgenberg44772
2 discussion posts
Since the last update i haven't been able to play the game, since it was stuttering constantly to the point i could barely watch the video on startup and sometimes it would even freeze before reaching the main menu. I took two weeks to find out tried everything, got even more lost since DBD process wasnt even close to max out any process on my PC. I finally found the problem, i turned off display fusion and tried to launch it, and done. Fix it. Someone need to find out why this is broken, i've been able to play the game with this app on background for years, I play every single game with it on background, its the best multi monitor desktop manager, up to date. They did something on this last update the for some reason that completely broke the interaction with it. Alls drivers and programs up to date.


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz

Windows 11 Pro (22H2)

32gb of RAM

TUF GAMING Z490-PLUS motherboard

Nvidia RTX 3070
Oct 5, 2023  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We were able to reproduce this issue here and have added it to our list to fix up :)
Oct 6, 2023  • #2
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Fábio Hilgenberg44772
2 discussion posts
I was able to fix it temporarily by disabling DP hooks when a fullscreen app is on. Please make me aware when this problem gets fixed! :)
Oct 9, 2023  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, will do!
Oct 10, 2023  • #4
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1 discussion post
Hi, I searched the forum but didn't find anything and wanted to see if this has been resolved?

Jan 27, 2024  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry! The current workaround is to create a rule on the Settings > Compatibility tab for the game, and enable the "Disable Application Hooks" option in the rule.

Feb 1, 2024  • #6
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