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141 discussion posts
Lately deskscapes 3 suddenly froze and i had to restart explorer to get it running again. Never thought about DP but now it froze exactly after upgrading to latest beta.

Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 7.9

DeskScapes appears to be activated on this PC
DeskScapes engine appears to be running
(Generic PnP Monitor) 1 is attached to AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series
(Generic PnP Monitor) 2 is attached to AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series

Deskscape.dll 2012/05/02 16:53:18
Deskscapes.dll 2010/09/27 17:06:03
DreamControl32.dll 2009/11/09 23:10:17
DeskscapesConfig.exe 2011/11/01 21:10:45
UI\Deskscape.dll 2011/10/26 19:13:21
UI\DeskscapesVideo.dll 2009/10/24 19:04:54
DreamTasks.exe 2010/09/24 20:01:26
DeskscapesVideo.dll 2010/01/20 00:02:22
Apr 13, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! Does DisplayFusion only hang after Deskscapes has hung?
Apr 16, 2013  • #2
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141 discussion posts
DP continues to function merrily, allso explorer. Only to get Deskscapes working again i need to restart the explorer. By reduction and the coincidence of Deskscapes hanging when DP gets upgraded (but also after waking up from sleep) i wondered if it was something in DP. Is there something changed to could be related? I only recently fresh reinstalled Deskscapes after trying the dismal Deskscapes 8.

Advice: don't buy Deskscapes 8 :( It stinks.
Apr 17, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, I see now :)

I'm not sure what in DisplayFusion could be messing up DeskScapes. Could you try adding a Compatibility rule ( for DeskScapes to disable the Application Hooks to see if that helps?
Apr 19, 2013  • #4
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141 discussion posts
I'll have a go. But if nothing has changed in your code that could link to this it must something else that causes the hangups because it's been working fine together for always.


Deskscapes runs as a service. So no compat rule to be made. I'll just restart explorer when needed till i find out what goes on. Most likely then not DP related.
Apr 19, 2013 (modified Apr 19, 2013)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, sounds good!
Apr 19, 2013  • #6
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