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Barry Brown
18 discussion posts
This started about a week ago. When I reboot the computer or come out of sleep/hibernation, all of the icons shift up by 1 or 2 spaces.
This causes my Computer and Documents Icons to move off the screen upwards.

Even if I try to reload a saved profile, it still is one or two spaces up.
The only way to get the icons back down is to do a control A, grab all the icons, move them down to where they are supposed to be.
I then Re-save the profile but in a few days, it happens again.
When I load the recently saved profile, they do not move down.

Thanks, Barry
Sep 29, 2012  • #1
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Robert K Roderick
7 discussion posts
I have this issue too.
Sep 29, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Would you guys be able to copy the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab to a text file, and attach a copy here? I don't think there's much we can do here, as it seems to be a Windows bug related to docked windows (the DisplayFusion taskbar is docked to the bottom of the screen), but we'll certainly have a look at it.

Oct 1, 2012  • #3
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Robert K Roderick
7 discussion posts
See attached. Also, this just started happing wit the last DF update. Before that, I didn't have this problem.

Would you guys be able to copy the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab to a text file, and attach a copy here? I don't think there's much we can do here, as it seems to be a Windows bug related to docked windows (the DisplayFusion taskbar is docked to the bottom of the screen), but we'll certainly have a look at it.

• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion Troubleshooting - Robert Roderick.txt [81,070 bytes]
Oct 1, 2012  • #4
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Barry Brown
18 discussion posts
This is just another problem I have been having with the program.
The last one was whenever I changed from 2 monitors to the normal 3, or just to 1 monitor, all the icons would decide to go where ever they wanted to.

See attached file.
• Attachment [protected]: DF-10-01-12.txt [62,674 bytes]
Oct 1, 2012  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! It actually may not be related to the taskbar then, since Robert doesn't have the multi-monitor taskbars enabled. One thing I noticed in the info is that you both have a monitor at 1920x1200, and another one at 1920x1080. Is that correct?
Oct 2, 2012  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Would you guys also be able to try exiting DisplayFusion, then let the computer sleep/hibernate and bring it back out to see if the icons still move? I'd just like to confirm that it is indeed DisplayFusion causing them to move, because from our end, there aren't any features in DisplayFusion that should be causing the desktop icons to move. (except of course the Desktop Icon Profiles, but Robert isn't using those either)
Oct 2, 2012  • #7
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Robert K Roderick
7 discussion posts
Yes. I just got a new 2nd monitor that has a higher resolution than my previous. When I disable "Extend these Displays", then the icons line up correctly, but I don't have both monitors working together. Also, I have the small monitor on the left. When I tell Windows that it is on the right, then the icons line up correctly. Must be something about how Windows works. But, the previous smaller monitor didn't have this issue. Very weird behavior.

Interesting! It actually may not be related to the taskbar then, since Robert doesn't have the multi-monitor taskbars enabled. One thing I noticed in the info is that you both have a monitor at 1920x1200, and another one at 1920x1080. Is that correct?
Oct 2, 2012  • #8
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Barry Brown
18 discussion posts
Would you guys also be able to try exiting DisplayFusion, then let the computer sleep/hibernate and bring it back out to see if the icons still move? I'd just like to confirm that it is indeed DisplayFusion causing them to move, because from our end, there aren't any features in DisplayFusion that should be causing the desktop icons to move. (except of course the Desktop Icon Profiles, but Robert isn't using those either)

I use the sleep 90% of the time anyways. When I exit from DF and put the computer to sleep and come back out of it, the icons do not move. I have tried this about 6 times with the same results.
I use the multi-monitor taskbar as well.

There is one thing I just noticed though. Whenever I switch from enable to disable on the multi-taskbar, all the icons move up and down about 1/2 inch. They all move up when I enable and down when I disable.
Actually, the top icons stay where they are but the spacing between each row of icons decreases, making it look like they all shift down and up.
When I turn of the multi-taskbar, the bottom row of icons is so low it cuts off some of the text by the task bar on the main monitor.
Oct 3, 2012 (modified Oct 3, 2012)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for the info guys! I've done some investigating, and while both your issues are similar (but also slightly different) both are caused by the way Windows handles the icons when the "Align to grid" option is enabled.

Robert's issue is just simply due to the different screen resolutions and positioning of the monitors.

Barry's issue is related to the taskbar, but it's only because the taskbar is a docked window, and not a DisplayFusion specific issue. Windows reduces the desktop area based on the size of the docked window, which affects the alignment grid for the desktop icons.

So, unfortunately there's nothing we can do from our end, but you can work around it by right-clicking the desktop and disabling the "Align to grid" option. That will allow you to position your desktop icons wherever you like, and they will not move on their own, even if the screen resolution changes, or the desktop area changes.

Hope that helps!
Oct 3, 2012  • #10
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