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4 discussion posts
We've just purchased display fusion and I want to ask some questions.
First one: Is there a possibility to fit the desktop to the hdtv? I cannot see the edges and it also cuts the taskbar in half.
Second one: The program is being used on 4 HDTV 46 inch monitors and when I try to span a window on all 4, it sends that window to monitor 4 (the order being 1 and 2 on the top and 4 and 3 on the bottom) and it makes it like a quarter of the monitor high and full width (so this is happening on one monitor only). Any suggestions? When i tried this on 4 small monitors it worked fine...
Nov 5, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thank you for your purchase!

Regarding the edges being cut off, does your system have an AMD video card? If so, you'll likely need to adjust the overscan (scaling) settings in the Catalyst Control Center.

As for the spanning, DisplayFusion can only span across horizontal monitors by default. To do 4 monitors arranged in a 2x2 layout, you can create a custom Function, like the one shown in the attached screenshot.

• Attachment: Span 2x2.jpg [176,603 bytes]
Span 2x2.jpg
Span 2x2.jpg
Nov 7, 2013  • #2
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4 discussion posts
Created the function, that worked, as for the edges I have nVidia and could only do that by changing to a lower resolution.

Thanks for the reply!
Nov 8, 2013  • #3
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