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1 discussion post
I am trying to set up a trigger on only one screen. I want to launch two different shortcuts for Google Chrome at DisplayFusion start, and have them each fill one half of the screen. Can anyone walk me through the setup? I would greatly appreciate it.
Oct 20, 2021  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Replied to your email, but posting here as well for others that come across this thread.

This guide should help out:

It walks you through setting up Custom Functions to launch the apps, and then Trigger rules to run those on startup. Then it walks you through setting up the Trigger rules for moving the apps as well. For Chrome, there will be a couple of extra steps:

  • When you add the Custom Function to launch Chrome, you'll want to use something like this in the Command Line Arguments field: --new-window
  • When you create the Trigger rule for moving the Chrome window, you'll want to set the Window Text to all or part of the page title of the page that you're moving (e.g. "TSN")

Hope that helps!
Oct 20, 2021 (modified Oct 20, 2021)  • #2
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