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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Don't panic, it's not that bad! :) I am having to re-write large sections of the program in order to try and deal with intermittent thread locking issues. This will delay the next beta by about 1 week, and despite my best efforts I'm sure that a bug or 2 might slip in. I am planning on releasing Beta 18 before next Wednesday (Feb 11), and I can pretty much guarantee that we will hit Beta 25 before these issues get worked out. This seems like a lot (and it is) but I firmly believe in the "release early, release often" principle when testing. I like having testers start using somewhat buggy code early in the development cycle to make sure everything is heading in the right direction. This prevents issues where I spend months working, then release a beta for testing only to discover something fundamentally wrong and having to start again.

A big thanks to everyone who has stuck around for all of these releases, and I can't wait to get this nice and solid for a final release. :)
Feb 4, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
Hope I'm not causing you too much headaches! I tend to bring my machines to their knees quite often, so if it works for me, it will probably work for anyone!
Feb 4, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I can't thank you enough for testing all of these betas and special one-off builds. I really want to nail this down before I release the final version, I hate releasing software with known show-stopping issues. :)
Feb 9, 2009  • #3
John L. Galt's profile on
I hate being a tester and having nothing to test - it seems I am unable to reproduce the lockups in W7 - but I wonder....

Was it causing issues like *buttons* - aka apps - being locked onto the taskbar and never going away? Irfanview was notorious for that but all of a sudden seems to have stopped doing it....
I am I.
Feb 9, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sometimes it was just individual buttons, but most of the time the entire taskbar just hangs and locks all the buttons in place. I have had 2 testers experience this issue, but if you haven't had this issue then there's nothing to worry about. :)
Feb 9, 2009  • #5
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