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13 discussion posts
I updated yesterday when DF alerted me to the new version. Right after the update, my 3rd monitor which is connected via DisplayPort keeps flashing up "Auto Adjustment Not Available" on the screen. I tried unplugging and re-plugging the DVI -> DisplayPort adapter. I also tried rebooting. The issue persists. Any ideas?

On a related note, does anyone know how I can download the last version so I can revert until this is fixed?
Sep 4, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Responded to your email yesterday, not sure if you received it. Do you have another computer that you can test that USB adapter and monitor on? DisplayFusion doesn't do anything that would cause the monitor to try to auto-adjust. It's weird that it's doing that, because auto-adjust only works on VGA inputs, and not digital inputs like DisplayPort. It almost seems like there might be an issue with the monitor itself, maybe the auto-adjust button is stuck or something?
Sep 5, 2013  • #2
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13 discussion posts
This turned out to be a faulty monitor. It's really bizarre that the thing went out at the exact same time I upgraded DF, but apparently that's what happened.

Thanks for the reply. Keep up the great work on an awesome product!
Sep 5, 2013  • #3
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