6 discussion posts
since two days DF is constanly chrasing and i have no idea why.
Sometimes it works fine 2 hours later only 10 minutes until it chrashes and i have to restart....
Version 6.1.2 was running fine before several weeks when the problem starts today i gaveV7b9 a try but still same problem.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [8,877,643 bytes]
There are a lot of errors in the log about the DF Remote Control feature. Could you try disabling that on the Settings > Remote Control tab to see if that makes a difference at all?

6 discussion posts
ok. DF Remote control Feature was disabled.
I have tried now also DF7b10 -> same issue sporadically crashing / Taskbar unresponsive on second monitor.
On a other thread (http://www.displayfusion.com/Discussions/View/displayfusion-611-crash/?ID=b07638ad-cbcb-4d5d-b726-ec887504a8f9) updated today i recognized it may caused by owncloud which i have updated last week to Version 1.7....
I will disable owncloud now from startup and monitor the behaviour and let you know soon...