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273 discussion posts
Jon, [size=8pt][edit: subject line][/size]

I have transitioned from Vista to Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Everything works, including multiple monitor task bars, except...

I have a tablet PC - and three separate monitors located in three separate places in the house. When I attach each monitor and select a monitor configuration, DF automatically adjusts for the new position, including primary to secondary swaps, and monitors above, right, or left. At least it did under Vista.

Under Windows 7, it sometimes doesn't work. As best as I can figure, it fails when the primary monitor becomes the secondary.

Attached is a log file going from tablet PC by itself to AOC monitor primary above and tablet secondary below, and then to tablet primary left and DELL secondary right. Both transitions fail. After each, I go into the Desktop Wallpaper dialog and press OK to fix it. In each case, the dialog shows the proper configuration and the proper images. It is as if DF has failed to apply the change.

The images show the above scenarios. The -1 images are the first AOC transition. The -2 images are the second DELL transition. The red box is the tablet (smaller monitor) and the blue is the monitor.

I am also attaching the troubleshooter.

Hope this allows you to repro or at least figure it out. It is annoying. :Police:
• Attachment: DesktopWallpaperWindows7-1.jpg [293,566 bytes]
• Attachment: DesktopWallpaperWindows7-2.jpg [405,845 bytes]
• Attachment: DFWindows7-1.jpg [318,375 bytes]
• Attachment: DFWindows7-2.jpg [169,089 bytes]
• Attachment: DisplayFusion.log.txt [59,151 bytes]
• Attachment: troubleshooter.txt [19,636 bytes]
Oct 14, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I just want to make sure I understand the issue. Are you having problems with Windows not remembering the monitor locations, or a problem with DisplayFusion not fixing the wallpaper correctly?
Oct 18, 2010  • #2
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273 discussion posts
With DF not fixing the wall paper correctly.

I am now convince that this happens only when you change the monitor that Windows 7 is told is the primary monitor. Should be easy to repro.

BTW, I'm on Beta 2.
Oct 18, 2010  • #3
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273 discussion posts
I can add another case, though probably related as far as Windows 7 thinks (can it do that?): Remote desktop.

I started remote desktop from my desktop to my tablet. The tablet is 1024x768, the desktop is much larger. I got the same basic failure with the wall paper for the tablet to the top-left and part of the secondary monitor to the right. (It looks like JPGs I've already posted.)
Oct 19, 2010  • #4
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273 discussion posts
Just checking. Have you be able to reproduce this problem?
Oct 28, 2010  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Yes, this is an issue and it will be fixed in Beta 5. Thanks! :)
Oct 31, 2010  • #6
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273 discussion posts
Got beta 4 today. Will be sitting on pins and needles waiting for 5! :Police:
Nov 1, 2010  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
According to your troubleshooting information, you have wallpaper auto-fix disabled. Can you please verify this for me? Thanks! :)
Nov 1, 2010  • #8
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273 discussion posts
:oops: Color me [color=red]red[/color]-faced. That fixed it! :-o

Let me explain... I recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7... or rather, had to do a fresh install because Windows 7 fracked my Vista drive and security descriptors making it unbootable (though I could get my documents off it). I lost all my installed programs, though, including DF and all its settings.

I probably solved this one way before I went pro on DF, but it didn't occur to me to solve it again. [size=14pt]My bad[/size]. BTW, all my monitor changes exchange primary and secondary, so it didn't occur to me something else was up.Sorry.

Guess this one is solved, and it required no extra coding! The best fix.
Nov 1, 2010  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I originally thought it was a bug to do with same-resolution monitors being toggled between which one is primary, so I looked at your troubleshooting info. I noticed the setting not set, and presto, bug closed. :) Thanks for following-up so quickly, I'll cross this off my list.
Nov 1, 2010  • #10
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273 discussion posts
Doing my own email tech support right now, so I was there when you posted. Makes me happy that I have a solution and don't have to wait until beta 5! 8-)
Nov 1, 2010  • #11
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, thanks. :)
Nov 9, 2010  • #12
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