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42 discussion posts
There's a few solutions around out there to restore the Windows 10 taskbar on Windows 11. I use StartAllBack, but other methods exist such as those described here

Problem is the DF taskbar correctly detects Windows 11 and forces itself to a Windows 11 style meaning it doesn't match the OS taskbar. On top of that the Win 11 taskbar has a few issues as shown in the attached screenshot.

#1 Firefox and Notepad are both running, Outlook is not, but there is no visual distinction between the closed (but pinned) Outlook vs the open (but not focussed) Firefox. Only the open and focussed Notepad gets an indicator of any sort

#2 For some reason there is a second, smaller, copy of the systray icons for network and audio, hovering over one of the smaller pair causes both to get highlighted, but clicking them does nothing. Left clicking on the larger network icon sometimes works (but open the window in a weird place) and sometimes does nothing. Right clicking them works fine.

Easiest fix for all of this, is there a setting somewhere to override OS detection and force it to use the Win10 taskbar?
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2022-07-04 164103.png [19,519 bytes]
Jul 4, 2022  • #1
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102 discussion posts
I'm interested in this as well. The "classic" rendering of the taskbar goes too far and looks like Win 2k.
Jul 4, 2022  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

1) I wasn't able to reproduce this on my end. If you aren't already, can you try updating to our latest beta and see if the issue persists? Here's the link:

2) I was able to reproduce this one on my end. We currently don't support StartAllBack on Windows 11, but we do have this open as a feature request, so I've added your vote to it. If we're able to get this added in the future, we'll fix this up as well.

I've also added forcing the Windows 10 taskbar to our feature request list as well.

Jul 7, 2022  • #3
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42 discussion posts
Apologies for the delay in replying, I've just tried going from 9.9 to beta 17 and no real change. It's slightly worse because now the second smaller systray has added the volume icon which wasn't there previously. Still no visual distinction between pinned& closed vs open but not focussed apps
Sep 5, 2022  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Strange, if you run without StartAllBack, do these issues persist?

Sep 6, 2022  • #5
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Jesus Pedrosa1
136 discussion posts
Same here. Using StartAllBack too. Is there a way to remove these duplicated icons on the DisplayFusion taskbar?
Sep 13, 2022  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Not at the moment, but as mentioned we have this open on our feature request list.

Sep 14, 2022  • #7
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