426 discussion posts
This applies to Windows 7 SP1 x64 and x86 Professional with DF V4.0.1 Beta 4.
The RAM usage by DisplayFusion.exe is significantly higher than Beta 3. In fact, it appears to be approximately 6-7 times greater than previous verson.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
• Attachment [protected]: DFV4.0.1Beta4.jpg [193,879 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DFV4.0.1Beta4troubleInfo.txt [38,160 bytes]

426 discussion posts
Thanks much for the explanation. The additional memory is not an issue on my systems so, if DF stability and performance is improved, more memory is completely acceptable.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.