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1 discussion post
Hey guys

changed from Windows 7 to Windows 10 now. My problem is not really a bug just something that annoys me.

Back then on Win 7, i don't kow how, but it seemed that DiplayFusion kinda saved the settings i made for my 2 different backgrounds to the system. Means even if display fusion wasnt running i got my 2 backgrounds right from the start.

This changed now with windows 10. If display fusion is not started with windows u'll just have 1 background (the one from your primary screen but on both screens). If you are running display fusion after the start of windows it takes some seconds to load the second background image.

Is there a fix for that or do i have to live with that =(
Nov 7, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It sounds like Windows is overriding the wallpaper on startup for some reason. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done there. Once DisplayFusion starts up, it can detect if the wallpaper is still correctly set, and fix it if it's not (which is the behaviour you're seeing).
Nov 10, 2015  • #2
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