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Shawn Binion
5 discussion posts
Mostly i would like for the taskbar to not pop up when an app sends a notification. A few games i play mainly world of tanks i use DF to keep the game max while i do things on a second monitor. The game likes to think everything is a notification and keeps the taskbar up until i switch focus back to the game. I have turned off notification in the system setting through windows but that seems to be just for the banners and not the actual orange flashing icon on the task bar. I dont mind the orange flashing icon i just hate how the taskbar is always on top when i dont have the game in focus.
Jul 31, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Aug 2, 2022  • #2
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Shawn Binion
5 discussion posts
I went to that link but it says page not found. I did a search for that title and found something that fixes this problem. Thank you.
Aug 4, 2022 (modified Aug 4, 2022)  • #3
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Shawn Binion
5 discussion posts
Ok well that fixed it for that moment. Here is what i want gone. I want the taskbar to not pop up when the icon is flashing orange or stop the game from sending notification for every thing it does.
• Attachment: unknown.png [6,105 bytes]
Aug 7, 2022  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Shawn,

Ah sorry is this happening on a DisplayFusion taskbar? If so, you can disable that by enabling the "Taskbar: Flashing Taskbar Buttons Never Flash" advanced setting in DisplayFusion.

Aug 8, 2022  • #5
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Shawn Binion
5 discussion posts
Thank you. So far its working how i wanted it to.
Aug 9, 2022  • #6
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Shawn Binion
5 discussion posts
Well that worked until i shut down my PC and booted it back up the next morning. If i turn that setting off then back on it works until i restart my PC.

OK figured it out its a windows thing and not a DF thing. looks like regedit works sometimes and sometimes doesnt. guess im stuck with the taskbar always up on my main monitor
Aug 11, 2022 (modified Aug 13, 2022)  • #7
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