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Andrew Wells77666
7 discussion posts
I've been investigating the feasibility of being able to, in software, disable half of an HDMI or DP display such that windows is only aware of the enabled section (i.e. a 2560x1600 display is seen an a 1280x1600 display) with location of the image on the screen being user-adjustable.

Use cases would include:
1) A screen is cracked but only part of the sceen is damaged
2) Monitors are positioned partially behind each other (for any number of reasons)

This isn't a feature of DisplayFusion now, but I've got a workaround sorted out with screen splits / snapping functions.

My question is, is this possible? How to accomplish this in Windows 10 wasn't immediately clear in my initial research.

I'd be curious to hear from your development team about the feasibility of this, and maybe even something I research on my own to further expand on the idea. It would be a great way to keep some laptops out of the dumpster.
Dec 13, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately this is outside the scope of DisplayFusion, it's not likley something we would add in.

Dec 19, 2022  • #2
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