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Paul Orbell
2 discussion posts

I have several monitors, but with my 'One Monitor' profile, I actually need two monitors, one is for the actual display, the 2nd is an HDMI output to my amplifier. So essentially, one HDMI output shows the display, the other HDMI outputs the sound.

Now I could Duplicate the monitors, but I don't see this as a great option - mainly as they are on different resoltions (1k and 2k). My ideal state would be two monitors on my 'One Monitor' profile, but the 2nd monitor would have the Display disabled (but still allowing sound). HAs anybody else met this and found a viable workaround ? I have the Pro version.

Aug 23, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Paul,

That's not something we support with DisplayFusion, sorry!
Aug 23, 2023  • #2
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Paul Orbell
2 discussion posts
That's a shame - but thank you for responding Owen.

I dropped the resolution on the '2nd monitor' to 640x480 and shoved it to the top of my screen so it can happily sit there being blank without taking up too much video processing
Aug 24, 2023  • #3
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