426 discussion posts

On my older Windows 10x64 gaming system (home built) I decided to replace my EVGA Geforce 980 Ti graphics card with an EVGA RTX 3060 Ti graphics card. This reduced my overall power consumption by ~40 watts.
I was hopeful that the replacement would reduce DisplayFusion's CPU usage (beta 16) as well. The reverse occurred. The CPU usage increased by ~1.5% with spikes up to 4.1%. I dropped back to Beta 9 and the CPU usages immediately dropped to 0.1-1.0%. I guess I'll stay on beta 9 until the CPU usage issue is resolved by the DF developers.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
We have some changes coming to our next beta that should improve the CPU usage, so we'll let you know once that's released.